Everything You Need to Know about Using Credit Card Bonuses for Free Travel

To entice you to sign up for a credit card most credit card companies offer a sign-up bonus.

The sign-up bonus is the life blood for a growing population of American travelers. They scour the web looking for the best credit cards with sign up bonuses. They get the cards, get the bonuses, and turn a single credit card application into a vacation that most of us only dream of taking.

The objective is simple: try to collect and redeem many frequent flyer miles so you'll never have to pay for a vacation again.

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How moving to a developing nation improved our financial situation

On 16 May 2006, I boarded a Folker 100 aircraft with my wife and ten-month-old daughter. We made the short flight from Port Moresby to our new home — Alotau, Milne Bay Province, Papua New Guinea.

To be honest, the move had nothing to do with money. We moved there to do missionary work in Alotau. However, more than four years later, I've found that our decision to move to this third-world country located in the South Pacific actually had a very positive impact on our finances. (For some context, I have an interview with some PNG citizens so you can learn a little about their standard of living.)

Over the last few years I've read several posts at Free Money Finance where the author has introduced the cost-saving benefits of moving or retiring overseas. In this post, I want to highlight several ways how living overseas has improved our financial situation. Continue reading...

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