5 Ways To Rescue Your Rotten Résumé

If you're anything like my friends, your résumé is probably a little stale and perhaps a lot rotten. I'm sure your skills are not rotten and don't deserve to be trashed as rubbish. But honestly, very few job hunters know how to write a résumé that lands them a job interview. Since having income is an important step towards getting rid of debt, putting money into your online savings account, building an emergency fund and getting rich slowly, it pays to review your résumé for rottenness before sending it out.

I've been on both ends of the résumé game. I've reviewed hundreds of résumés as part of a hiring team. I've also applied to numerous jobs in various fields using countless résumé types. Over the years I've discovered why few résumés stand out and why most could use a rescue. If you're looking to land a job interview and haven't had much success, then grab a life preserver and try these five ways to rescue your rotten résumé.

1. Match Your Skills to Employer Requirements

News Flash: Your résumé isn't about you. It's about how well your skills and experiences match the employer's job requirements. If your résumé reads more like a personal history book then you're heading to the rotten résumé pile. Sorry. The most effective résumés are clearly focused on a specific job title and address the employer's stated needs.

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