Money interviews: Imagination Movers
J.D.'s Note: Thanks to Scott Durbin of Imagination Movers for sharing his story. It's a great example of the need for emergency funds and the realities of entrepreneurship (and making money from hobbies). My questions are in quote blocks, and everything else is from Scott.
Scott, what made you and the other Movers decide to form a band? And why a band for kids?
Once you get into your 30s, you begin to feel opportunities to be creative evaporating. This time in our lives is often devoted to starting families, working for the company, paying bills to stay above the proverbial water, or working on our various relationships (wife-husband, boyfriend-girlfriend, other). I could get philosophical about the conflict and guilt of doing something seemingly self-indulgent versus being a good father/husband/worker, but let's save that for another day. Luckily I have an amazing wife!