Get Free Financial Planning Help
I’ve been working with a fee-only financial advisor recently to be sure all my eggs are in the right nests for my future. I’ve been impressed with her knowledge of law, taxes, insurance, investing — all aspects of financial life. While I’ve covered personal finance topics as a journalist for more than 20 years, I haven’t been so diligent about managing my own affairs. Yes, I’ve been saving for retirement all along, but I’ve been a set-it-and-forget-it type of investor. I was motivated to work with a CFP to become an active investor. By active, I don’t mean buying and selling stocks or mutual funds frequently. My goal was to analyze my investments and needs with a professional so that I could manage them on my own, with the knowledge that I can always see her for a “check-up,” if needed.
For many people, the cost of a fee-only advisor can’t fit into their budget. But free advice is on the way. Last year, J.D. wrote about Financial Planning Days where anyone can get free help from a Certified Financial Planner. Those days are back this October, thanks to the Financial Planning Association, the CFP Board of Standards, the Foundation for Financial Planning and the U.S. Conference of Mayors. These events are offered on different days in 24 cities across the country and there is no reason not to take advantage. I hope your city is on this list!
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There are 10 comments to "Get Free Financial Planning Help".
Unfortunately it looks like mostly big cities but I’m not too surprised. I hope the people who live there take advantage!
Great article. I will be taking advantage of this oppertunity!!!
Disappointed that there’s nothing in the Southeast at all. Atlanta, Nashville? Closest place to me is 10 hours away in DC. I emailed them, hopefully next year they’ll come South.
I’ll second that. I once worked for a major financial planning organization here in ATL, and we worked with CFPs all over the country. Atlanta is not off the beaten path. Very surprised this event will not be held here.
I think a Fee Only Planner is the way to go, unless you want to be sold investment products with very high fees.
I will probably hire a Fee Only Planner in the next couple of years. I have been choosing my own investments for 27 years, so I don’t need a lot of help there. But, I do need more specialized help with trusts and taxation.
I’m so excited you brought this to my attention! I live in one of those cities and have never heard of it through local advertising. Thank you for this opportunity!
Thank you for this!!! This is why I’m really happy to see this, a minor rant:
In February I called two separate financial planners and asked to schedule an appointment to give my finances an overview. I’ve relied on my own research for years — your blog, conferences at work, etc. for most of my financial decisions. My investments are not massive, but more than 99% of my friends and more importantly I’ve added to them consistently each year. I’m not joking, I told each of them this: “I’m not a millionaire yet, but I will be. And whoever gets my business now will have it for years.”
So, neither has called back and it’s been months.
Why would a company opt-out of this opportunity, when I sought THEM out? Maybe because I researched fee-only planners, and the potential of my future wealth means nothing to them without earned commissions. I don’t know.
Minor rant, I guess, but just proves to me what I’ve read — no one cares about your money more than you. And sometimes, experts are stupid. Another thing to consider; if they missed out on this opportunity to work with a young person whose wealth will only increase, I can only expect they would have missed out on opportunities to make it grow.
If they’re fee only they wouldn’t care about any commissions because they wouldn’t be taking any… It sounds more like they’re either swamped with business, or they’re just not good at running a business.
I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten who “Ellen” is with all the new staff writers. Could there be a one-line introductory thing on posts to remind us memory-challenged types?
Also … I had to read this twice to get the actual sense of it. Formatting helps. Bold, underline, center … whatever your central point is, please make it VISIBLE.
Thank you and thanks for the useful information. 🙂
Great turn out in San Diego. At first though I think everyone was surprised I was younger than expected. Got stopped about three times asking about my business. Mayor didn’t show up, introduction was good. CFP seemed very knowledgeable though didn’t cover exactly what I had came in for (investments), maybe it was my apperance in age. Covered what I already was practicing, I came in more prepared than my CFP had expected. We’re talking about a whole excel sheet of my spendings. Overall I thought it was going to be bigger turn out.