How to lower your Comcast Xfinity bill by 33% (without losing any service)

For the third of the country who has no choice but to turn to Comcast for cable television, the thought of price haggling is about as appealing as a root canal. Comcast has a notorious reputation for being unwilling to make their customers happy. Customers of other monopolistic cable outfits across the nation know the feeling.

However, the potential savings that can come from limiting a monthly subscription expense can be enormous – that’s money that goes straight to your online savings account. What’s a frugal person to do?

Dealing with your local cable superpower doesn’t have to be an intimidating process. And as evidenced by the ease in which I recently cut my cable/internet costs by a third during a short online chat without losing any service whatsoever, you may have similar success.

With television service competition increasing and unemployment rates still trending upward, consumers are looking to slice discretionary expenses and service providers may be feeling the pinch to keep them on board. There’s no better time to ask than now. Here’s my actual chat with a Comcast rep (whose name has been altered to Rizzo to preserve his anonymity). Afterward, we’ll discuss some universal price haggling techniques to better prepare you for your interaction.

Comcast Chat Transcript

user G.E. has entered room
analyst Rizzo has entered room
Rizzo: Hello G.E., Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Rizzo. Please give me one moment to review your information.
G.E.: Hi Rizzo
Rizzo: Hello G.E., I will be happy to assist you today. How are you?
G.E.: Fine, you?
Rizzo: How may I assist you today? I’m good. Thanks for asking.
G.E.: I need to lower my bill. U-Verse is much cheaper. Thinking of switching
Rizzo: Alright. Let me check my resources for this.
G.E.: A buddy of mine was able to get $39.99/mo. for digital preferred for a year.
Rizzo: Can I have your account number please?
Rizzo: Thank you for that. I will now check on the account. Please bear with me. Thanks.
Rizzo: G.E., I have checked the account. You have our Digital Preferred package for $74.94, DVR for $9.99, Internet $42.95 and Modem Rent for $5.00. I will now check on my resources to lower your bill.
Rizzo: I have checked my resources. I can offer you Digital Preferred $54.99 for 12 months and Internet for $19.99 for 6 months.
G.E.: Can you do $44.99 on the cable or 1/2 price DVR and extend the internet to a year?
Rizzo: With this your new monthly charge will be $89.97. That’s the best promotion available G.E.
G.E.: Rizzo, we’re so close! =)
Rizzo: Thanks. Do you want me to process this one for you?
G.E.: Can you extend the internet to a year? That way the cable and internet are both a year
Rizzo: The Internet Code is only good for 6 months. That’s the best price I can offer you for internet. However, you can check back on us again next quarter to see if there’s another promotion available to you. Would that be okay?
G.E.: What’s my TOTAL bill now, and what would it be after your offer?
Rizzo: Your current monthly charge is $132.88. With this offer your monthly bill is $89.97.
G.E.: Preferred is what I presently have, correct?
Rizzo: Yes, the offer that I have is also a Digital Preferred package. Do you want me to proceed and process this one?
G.E.: Yes, can you send me an email confirmation?
Rizzo: Unfortunately, I cannot. The process will take effect immediately. You will see these rates adjusted on your next bill.
Rizzo: Shall I process this now?
G.E.: yes
Rizzo: Alright.
G.E.: thanks Rizzo, you’re a good man.
Rizzo: You’re welcome. I’m still processing. Please bear with me.
Rizzo: G.E., I already have processed the order. The new charges include Preferred $54.99, DVR $9.99, Modem $5.00 and Internet $19.99. Your new monthly charge is $89.97.
Rizzo: Do you have other concerns for today? I will be glad to assist you further.
G.E.: Nope, that’s it. thanks
Rizzo: You’re welcome. By the way, to properly close this chat room please click on the END SESSION button. Thank you. I hope that you can find time to answer the 3 question survey after this chat. Thanks.
Rizzo: Bye for now.

So what can you take away from this chat transcript? There are a few universal haggling techniques that are applicable to just about any price haggling scenario.

1. Don’t be afraid to ask

Asking to cut my bill worked. Amazed at how simple it was to cut more than I was aiming for from my bill immediately, I asked for an even bigger cut. That request was denied (not to my surprise or dismay). Truth be told, I’m not sure that any of the techniques I used triggered the better offer, but I do know one thing — had I been afraid to simply ask for the price break, I would have never gotten one. Rule number one is to overcome your fear and just ask.

2. Be pleasant

Congeniality is king when interacting with CSRs. Being rude only infuses CSRs with the desire to deny your request. CSRs aren’t paid near what they should be and probably don’t have the highest job satisfaction levels. If you can appeal to their gentler human side, you win. Spit fire at them, and they will slam the door on you with pleasure.

3. Refer to the competition

I had heard that Comcast was motivated to be a little more giving with the entrance of AT&T U-Verse cable into the marketplace (at lower prices). I’m not sure that it helped in this specific case, but referencing the competition specifically or generically (if its offerings are weaker) rarely will hurt you.

4. State the facts

More than anything else, I wanted to lower my cost, and that’s what I asked for. Someone I know had received a better price than I was paying and I stated that fact.

5. Do your research

Knowing what kind of promotions the company is offering to new or existing customers is essential to getting the best deal. When it comes down to it, if you can quit your service and then restart it the next day at a cheaper price, the company knows it has little incentive to let you leave without matching that offer.

6. Look for special circumstances

I’d heard that working with Comcast online chat representatives often yielded better results because the reps weren’t actual Comcast employees and therefore had lesser incentive to play the hard line. That’s why I chose the online chat route versus the phone.

7. Let them make the first move

Before the chat, had I not received a cost break, I was willing to cut my service levels. I didn’t offer that right away, and it turned out that I didn’t need to. Don’t show all your cards right away.

When I need to call back in, I now have two additional pieces of information that I can take into the negotiation process based on this statement form the CSR: “The Internet Code is only good for 6 months. That’s the best price I can offer you for internet. However, you can check back on us again next quarter to check if there’s another promotion available to you.”

I now know that Comcast has promotions available on a quarterly basis. I also know that there are “codes” for both Internet and cable. Both pieces of info should help me in future negotiations. Hopefully, they’ll help you as well.

If Negotiation Doesn’t Work

If trying the tactic above doesn’t work, you might want to be prepared to cancel your cable service and move on to some cable TV alternatives. Here are some steps and ideas to cut your cable bill by 100%!

Cut Cable Entirely in Four Simple Steps

  1. First, figure out if you are willing to pay to leave cable. If you don’t mind paying a fee, you don’t need four steps. Call customer service and ask for your service to be canceled immediately. Ignore all deals or efforts to retain your service. Return all equipment and don’t forget a receipt showing you did. Important note: If you get your Internet from your cable provider and don’t want a service interruption, make sure you have your Internet-only alternative already set up.
  2. If you don’t want to pay an early exit fee, memorize the end of your contract date. In future calls, you may hear this date repeated back to you incorrectly and extended far into the future based on some action you probably didn’t take. Insist they note the correct date and ask for this to be repeated back anytime you talk to your cable company.
  3. Don’t forget to purchase a streaming device. Of course, you can watch TV directly from the web on your laptop or tablet, but if you want to keep watching from the TV, plan for a Roku or similar device.
  4. Wake up on your cable-free day ready to say ‘so long’. Who loves calling 1-800 numbers? Staying on hold? Resisting enticing deals to keep my business? Me, when I’ve done all my homework and look to save potentially $100 or more per month. I recently went down to Internet only, cutting our cable subscription and phone. Monthly savings: $130 per month. (By the way, not a peep of complaint from the kids, who I suspect looked at the black cable box in the same quaint way I saw my family’s last rotary dial phone in the 1980s.)

To read another tale of wrangling with cable TV providers, see contributor Rod Kelly’s post on the topic of cutting the cable cord.

Cable TV Alternatives

  • Netflix, of course.
  • Apple TV
  • Hulu (Basically streaming cable at this point. See more about Hulu’s plans in The Wall Street Journal)
  • Amazon/Amazon Prime
  • Sling
  • Crackle

Have you had similar success haggling with your cable company or ISP? What do you attribute it to? What kind of a break did you get on your bill?

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There are 258 comments to "How to lower your Comcast Xfinity bill by 33% (without losing any service)".

  1. Meredith says 16 December 2009 at 05:21

    Wow. I hadn’t thought of haggling with my cable company, but I surely will try now.
    My total cable bill for digital cable (with starz and hbo) internet and phone is 80 a month.
    So while I was delighted to read this, after checking out your bill I might be less inclined to haggle now and just thank my lucky stars instead! Wow!

    • Brent says 01 August 2011 at 07:38

      This worked for me too. I was on the chat line for about a half hour, but it was worth it. My $65 a month Internet bill was knocked down to $29.99 for 12 months.

    • Mohamad says 28 December 2011 at 23:27

      I said to them “I need to lower my bill, I’m thinking of switching”. Stayed on the chat for 30 seconds and it was all done. I am happy.

      • Charlotte says 21 February 2012 at 11:51

        Lucky you! I called several times, before cancelling my service, and through chat signing up in my husbands name, to get a price we were happy with.

        Comcast has always been unwilling to give me better deals on their price. DirecTV always been very willing.

    • S.J. says 15 December 2012 at 07:14

      This article was very helpful. If you are looking to save money this can help.

  2. lostAnnfound says 16 December 2009 at 05:30

    Very timely for us. Our cable bill (Charter) increased by over $50.00 this month as our 12 month new user rate expired. I would have appreciated getting a notice on our previous bill that our rate was about to change. They’ll only get one month’s worth of this rate. I’ll be making some phone calls this week. Thanks for the tips!

  3. Pat Flynn says 16 December 2009 at 05:35


    This is awesome. Thank you so much for sharing the power of just asking, and being pleasant. It seriously can go a long way with anything, not just a cable bill.

    I’m calling my provider tomorrow. 🙂

  4. Frank says 16 December 2009 at 06:09

    Why not get rid of cable entirely and save even more? Due to a roof replacement at my townhouse I was forced to get rid of DTV; before taking the plunge I crunched the numbers and found that I could easily save myself over $700 a year by cutting the cable bill; with the advancement of things like Hulu and Boxee there is a bountiful amount of content available on the internet at no cost, not to mention for just a mere 8.99 a month you get access to a large video library via Netflix. It takes some dedication to make it work but in the end it will save me easily 1K a year.

    • Laura's Last Ditch--Adventures in Thrift Land says 30 December 2011 at 11:02

      Cable is not something I’ve ever been willing to pay for either, but, if it were, here is how I would’ve continued the conversation with Rizzo:

      “So, $89.97 is the best rate I can get with the current service level. I’m really hoping to get it lower yet. What can I get if I’m willing to cut my service to fewer channels or slower internet speed?”

      Then, when you see what other offerings are available and how low you can get the prices on those, then you can decide if you are willing to sacrifice service for a price that’s lower yet.

    • Laura's Last Ditch--Adventures in Thrift Land says 30 December 2011 at 11:06

      I’m not willing to pay for TV, but if I were, I’d continue with Rizzo:

      “So, the best you can do with my current service is $89.97. It’s still important to me to get it lower. What can you offer if I’m willing to reduce my service? ”

      You could negotiate a price on lesser service, then decide if the service cut was worth the price savings between the discounted full service, and the further discounted reduced service.

  5. Writers Coin says 16 December 2009 at 06:10

    I’ve had the exact same experience only I wasn’t nearly as organized: I just acted appalled that I was paying so much. I was actually frustrated and I’m pretty sure that came through.

    I got a deal, but not nearly as good as the one you got! I would stress #2: BE PLEASANT!

    Nobody likes a jerk.

  6. Holly says 16 December 2009 at 06:23

    I had a similar exchange with Comcast. I told them that my mother-in-law was paying $35.00 less and she had all three services while I had only two.

    My bill went from $140.00/mo. to $106.00/mo. and that included adding a third service. Since the digital voice was added, I was also able to drop Cavalier’s phone services, saving me another $57.00/mo. Total saved for 10 minutes on the phone (and a 30 min. service call to install phone modem (router?) was $91.00/month!

  7. Sam says 16 December 2009 at 06:39

    Yes, I’ve negotiated with DirecTV the last three times they upped our rates and so for the last 2-3 years we have had no increases in our monthly service charge. And they also gave us free ShowTime or a free sports package (so more service for same cost).

    But this last time they upped our rate by $5 a month I didn’t call and this is a good reminder to do so. And in fact I normally use whatever special Comcast is running in my dealings with DirecTV.

  8. Adam says 16 December 2009 at 06:46

    I’ve tried this with Charter a couple times. Once or twice over the phone, and once at their office. It’s never worked for me. I can’t threaten to quit because there is no alternative for HS internet at my house and I work from home. I’ve asked to sign a contract, but they can never offer me anything. They did just recently send me a notice that my cost for modem rental was increasing from $3 to $5 and that prompted me to buy a modem ($55). That will pay for itself in a year.

  9. Stephen Popick says 16 December 2009 at 06:47

    I’ve had one root canal. I think that dentist would take offense at it being in the same category as dealing with Comcast!

    DirecTV in our area doesn’t up our fees and when we’ve had some outages a free month of whatever shows up and we’ve been fairly happy.

    *I should note that unemployment recently trended downward. Just FYI. You know, economist and all that

  10. Mrs. Money says 16 December 2009 at 06:48

    Wow! That is awesome. I am going to give our local company a call today to try to get our bill lowered. That would be great!

  11. Sara says 16 December 2009 at 06:51

    Recently, I moved to a new house and was setting up all of our services there. Initially, I thought I would use a satellite company; however, after researching their internet options I decided to go with the local cable service who also offers internet.

    When I called the satellite company (DirecTV) to cancel my set-up, they researched three times to lower the rates before I could finally cancel. I wish I could have stayed with them after all the reductions in price!

  12. Funny about Money says 16 December 2009 at 06:59

    Add a Number 8 to the list: “Believe it when you see your bill.”

    When I had my DSL through Qwest (I don’t watch much television & so do not need an expensive cable service), I called one day to see if there was anything they could do about the steadily rising cost. The CSR told me my service was not bundled. I said it should be, because the “we’ll save you money with our bundle” come-on was the reason I switched to their DSL/landline/cell phone service in the first place.

    He said he would save me a lot of money by bundling my services.


    He saved me a lot of money on what the load of unnecessary, unwanted services he dumped on me would have cost had I asked for them. In the process, he raised my phone bill by $20 or $30 a month.

    It took three months, complaints to the state corporation commission (which, BTW, does not regulate Internet services–these services are completely unregulated, which is why these uncaring and faceless corporations can shaft you every which way from Sunday), appeals to Qworst’s CEO, and threats of a lawsuit to get quit of the mess the guy created.

    On Consumerist, I discovered that someone else had been subjected to the exact same scam, so apparently it was not the result of one dishonest CSR.

    Don’t know anything about Comcast; once I got quit of the Qworst mess, I switched to Cox, which provides far better services for less than I was paying at the outset.

  13. George says 16 December 2009 at 07:14

    I cut my cable bill by 100%. How? By cancelling service. I think the real cost of cable is not the $50 or $100 per month, but the opportunity cost. Anyone could invest the TV time to build a business, start a successful blog, or learn to invest. They could retire in a few years.

    But, come to think of it, once I cancelled the service, they went crazy. They called me back regularly for about 6 months offering me unbelievable pricing. They offered me services for $5 per month. I had previously been paying $70 per month. It was pretty funny.

  14. tnspr569 says 16 December 2009 at 07:15

    Cable modems are pretty affordable these days – purchasing one usually makes more sense than renting one.

  15. Caitlin says 16 December 2009 at 07:20

    @George – I cancelled my cable entirely this year too.
    Lately, Rogers has been sending me some really hilarious cards in the mail (though I think they are supposed to be endearing, not funny) that say things like “we miss you” and “we’re lonely without you”. It’s like I broke up with them! 😉

    They haven’t offered me any ridiculous deals like you, though.

  16. Arm-and-Leg-Safe Shopper says 16 December 2009 at 07:24

    I’ve also found that online customer service chats are better. I get less frustrated and you’re able to keep a transcript of the conversation as opposed to voice calls that MAY have been recorded.

    @Funny about Money, I wrote a rant about cable last month. In my case we only had two choices, satellite or cable. There was only one cable provider in our area. We pay $80 for 200+ channels. We only care about 20 channels. The rest is useless to us but we don’t have a choice. You’re right about these companies doing whatever they like. I feel trapped. It’s kind of like a necessary evil.

  17. Sara A. says 16 December 2009 at 07:26

    Here’s a slightly related question: What do you do when you don’t have many ISP options where you live? We only have two ISPs that service our area, and both of them suck. We would actually pay MORE for service that didn’t aggravate us.

  18. SBE says 16 December 2009 at 07:37

    JD this is great advice that I tell friends all the time. Any time Comcrap increases my rates, I call and get onto a new plan. Decreases like this are very common. If you get push back and they won’t put you on an existing customer plan, this is where the research comes in. If Comcrap tells you that they have no lower prices or promotions for existing customers, you need to be ready to quote competitor’s prices to get onto a new customer plan.

    By the way, this can also work with trash companys, cell phone companies, etc.

  19. Dustin | Engaged Marriage says 16 December 2009 at 07:39

    I do this same thing with Charter Cable, and it also works. If you simply ask, then insist, you will get a promotional rate. The only pain is that you have to do it again every 6-12 months as the promotion runs out.

  20. RJ says 16 December 2009 at 07:41

    Wow. After reading this post, I tried this exact approach with Comcast via chat. I was very polite, and stated that I was thinking about cancelling service entirely due to the high cost. This is true, even though there are no other service providers in my area. The customer service rep, who was also very polite, cut my cable from 62.25 to 29.99 per month!!!! Thanks for this great post.

    • 3dogmom says 03 August 2012 at 17:43

      Unfortunetely, now you cannot negotiate online with the customer service reps they tell you that you have to call existing customer service they only help with new service.

      • Jake Ryan says 12 August 2012 at 10:53

        3DOGMOM, I have to disagree. I just used Comcast’s chat service to get my bill down from $160 a month to $90. I was polite and offered them information from Verizon on a comparable plan.

        • snowman says 17 August 2012 at 15:02

          I had the same experience as 3dogmom. I spent a considerable time with the chat rep, citing the killer offers I was getting from DirecTV. I was very polite, but the rep only offered to downgrade my service. I was told that I would need to call the toll-free number to discuss pricing.

  21. Joe says 16 December 2009 at 07:56

    Actually, the bill you got from charter should be for NEXT months charges, so you should call ASAP. Even if they were for this month, you could get them changed as of the day you call, so calling ASAP is in your favor. I had charter for a while, I never really liked them and was super happy when I moved and could switch to FiOS.

    Another suggestion, if youre paying $5 a month to rent a cable modem, look on craigslist for one. I was able to find one for $12, paid for itself in three months.

  22. Darwin's Finance says 16 December 2009 at 08:03

    This is a great approach. I did the same thing with Comcast when Verizon FIOS rolled into town. I did a similar post and you’ve covered all the key points. (and you saved even more than I did!)

    Here’s one extra add-on though. I did this over a year ago and they cited the 6-month deal as well. All I do now, is each time the 6 months comes up and the price jumps due to expiry of our agreement, I call up and again and re-up. I basically say (politely) that the only reason I’m still with Comcast is because of our previous agreement. Each time, they find a new “promotion” to adjust the bill and it works like a charm. So, essentially, I’m saving a few hundred per year for life on a service I planned on staying with all along.

  23. Adam says 16 December 2009 at 08:04

    Does Comcast have a penalty for cancelling service? It seems that this strategy only works if you can switch to U-Verse or Fios without paying Comcast a penalty. If that’s the case, then I’d consider haggling.

  24. jimmy says 16 December 2009 at 08:09

    After reading this, I just spent 1 hour on comcast online support, I was very pleasant, using your tactics, and their response was this:

    “I have just checked everything and As much as I want to help you reduce your bill right now but I am sad to inform you the we don’t have any promotional offers as of the moment. The current service you have is the best rate being offered right now. What I would suggest is for you to chat with us every now and then to check and be updated for special deals that might be offered in the near future. ”


  25. Mark Wolfinger says 16 December 2009 at 08:13

    You can do better.

    Threaten to close the account and they will transfer you to the retention department.

    They can offer even more.

  26. Kara says 16 December 2009 at 08:14

    Thanks so much! this is incredibly helpful. 🙂

  27. RMS says 16 December 2009 at 08:17

    Here is a tip – if you get a chance to go to a Comcast service center, they have more options than what is available online.

    When I was there earlier this year, they had a brochure the size of a take-out menu. You can order the cable, internet, and phone a la carte rather than the bundle. They’ll try to sell you the bundle for cheaper, but just ignore them.

    They had this cable package called Digital Economy, which may not be available now, but it’s much more than the Basic Cable. For internet, we picked the cheapest connection (I think it’s $10 a month, called Economy xxx) and it works just fine for the two computers and the Tivo box. For a while we even had the “Sports Entertainment” package for an additional $10 a month. The total of our cable and internet is less than $60, including taxes.

    And the good thing about all this – there is no 6-month or 12-month deal. It’s permanent from the start!!!

  28. Nick says 16 December 2009 at 08:20

    I did this a few months ago with Comcast over the phone and it works like a charm.

    My goal was actually to cancel cable and just keep the internet package, but after some discussion they cut my bill so it was only $10 more with cable then without (just basic cable, no DVR or anything fancy). Still though, it saved me about $40 a month and I have the same service I had before.

    There’s really no reason you shouldn’t try to negotiate your cable rates.

  29. Steve says 16 December 2009 at 08:31

    Comcast just raised my internet rate back to their regular rate. Just had a live chat with a rep and decreased my bill for another six months. However, I was unable to get the $19.99/month rate for internet.

    Usually I call for stuff like this, but find the online chat works much better. It does take the stress out of haggling.

    We still have digital cable, but it’s still at a promotional rate of $29.99/month. Currently looking into buying a digital converter box and antenna so we can cancel cable completely.

  30. PA Mom says 16 December 2009 at 08:34

    We’re doing everything we can to cut back on expenses.

    We canceled cable entirely and asked our cable company (RCN) for a discount on high speed internet (can’t go with dial-up because my son takes school online and needs to stream video/audio). Since we don’t have cable, we also canceled TiVo. Just with that, we saved ourselves $1,260 over the next year.

    We also dropped Netflix down to the minimum level (saving $228 a year) so we get one DVD out at a time and stream the online content through my son’s PS3 and our computers. Monthly cost about $9. Didn’t need to buy a Roku to get this service. Plus we’ve started re-watching our extensive library of DVD’s. Netflix seems to be adding more streaming content every day. Every time I look at my queue, a more few movies have “coming soon” in the streaming column. And it’s mobile too. If you have a laptop and travel, you can stream Netflix anywhere. (Makes me wonder how cable companies are going to be able to stay competitive at all, given their high cost compared to Netflix.)

    We also dropped Vonage phone service a couple of months ago (saving approx another $384 a year). Kept the cell phones, but plan on taking a look at the cost of that service next. Skype is pretty cheap per month if you want to be able to access landlines/cell phones through that service.

    So far our total annual savings is $1,872. And the minute I called RCN to cancel, the first thing the guy did was to ask if I wanted a discount. So they’re VERY willing to talk to you. They must be losing lots of customers in this economy.

    Frankly, now that we don’t have cable, I don’t really miss it. With sites like Hulu and Fancast plus the TV stations’ own sites, we can still see about 99% of what we were watching while paying for cable. And most if it WITHOUT commercials. Fully 1/4 of what we were watching on cable was commercials (which we used to just fast forward through with the TiVo anyway).

  31. Mr Ryan says 16 December 2009 at 08:38

    I do this every 6 months!!!! it works, they are so great a ripping people off and giving shitty service I dont feel bad at all.

  32. Shara says 16 December 2009 at 08:46

    “Be polite” is one of the best, and sometimes hardest, things to keep in mind. More than once when I have been too frustrated to remain polite (or wanted the person to know how upset I was) I frequently said, “I know this isn’t YOUR fault, but…” When you make it clear that it isn’t personal and you aren’t going to berate the CSR simply because they work for the company in question they are so much more helpful. I have even had some hint at something they weren’t allowed to volunteer (like “I know the deal expired, but you might be able to get it extended if you asked for it.”)

    We need to do something about our cable. I never watch it and DH only watches football, but my mom lives with us and she’s addicted to the TV. Not only is it expensive but she loves gory crime dramas that I don’t want my daughter watching.

  33. Tyler Karaszewski says 16 December 2009 at 08:56

    This whole topic reads a bit like “How I cut my cigarette cost by 33%” to me. Sure, you could find cheaper cigarettes, or you could quit smoking. It’s not even the shows that are poisonous (well, it’s some of them, but some are pretty good), but the commercials. I honestly think the reason I can leave $4000 in my checking account without being constantly tempted to spend it has a lot to do with the fact that I don’t watch TV commercials, or hear radio commercials.

  34. t says 16 December 2009 at 09:00

    Why you’re renting a cable modem? ($5 per month? Really?) Also, are you geting HD?

    With TWC (up until November), I was paying ~$114 for HD programming, DVR rental (which was cheaper overall than getting cable cards and buying an HD TIVO), and 8 or 12 Mbps internet.

  35. Brian Driggs says 16 December 2009 at 09:01

    I got a 100% reduction in my cable bill over two years ago when I canceled it completely. I haven’t had a land line phone since 1995, either, but I’ve had the fastest internet connection I could get my hands on for over a decade.

    TV is a waste of time. You’re wasting your life in the superficial embrace of marketing witchcraft targeting the lowest common denominators of our society. Spend more time online connecting with others. You’ll find that you can still access all your favorite programs (and some you never heard of) minus the commercials, and on your schedule.

    Watch out for Comcast. They’re out to control as much of the TV and internet market as they can. They’re already throttling your internet connection depending on what they think you’re downloading online (everything is a download, by the way, even this page). Soon they’ll be able to slow down your internet connection to competing cable networks with impunity.

    Really. Do you want to give these fat cats another dime so you can watch another “reality” show or manufactured medical drama?

    Kudos to those who have got off the couch and got online.

    • Jim says 27 February 2012 at 22:16

      “Kudos to those who have got off the couch and got online.”

      This made me LOL.

  36. Lindsay says 16 December 2009 at 09:05

    I also live in Portland and have Comcast. My husband recently called and essentially got the same price break you mention here. In our case, a six month promotional price was about to run out. He called and stated that because the promo was expiring, we’d like to downgrade our plan. They offered to extend the same promo price for another six months. So, we’re essentially paying for “expanded” but getting “preferred.” Unfortunately, now I’m kind of hooked on some of the higher channels so it will be more difficult to want to downgrade in the future. Of course they know that, which is why they offer the better packages at lower rates at first–to get us hooked!

  37. Kevin M says 16 December 2009 at 09:06

    I’m taking George’s path at the end of the month and canceling service with DirecTV. The $75/month just isn’t worth it to me anymore.

  38. Nicole says 16 December 2009 at 09:11

    We did that with our cell phone. Called and asked for any and all discounts (and to finally fix it so we weren’t being taxed for two states). They gave us a 10% discount, which balanced out the higher cell phone tax in our new state.

    I definitely agree with Funny about money’s #8. Believe it when you see the bill. It took 3 months for them to fix things so that we didn’t have to keep calling to get things corrected every month.

    Re: Whether or not to have cable. We have to have internet. We don’t have cable, but do have a landline we don’t need (that annoys DH because it only gives us sales calls). The internet bundles are always cheaper than the things alone where we live. We occasionally re-evaluate how to get our internet but haven’t seen a better package.

  39. Karen says 16 December 2009 at 09:13

    We were planning to dump Comcast for AT&T after AT&T started sending us all kinds of mail to our house– but then when we actually went to do it, it turns out that they did NOT service our address! Um, so why were you sending us mail, then?

    That meant we had to go crawling back to Comcast and pay $50 installation for them to just flip the switch.

    On the plus side, Comcast recently offered (with no solicitation on my part) to lower our bill by $5 a month if we got cable (we previously just had internet.) We don’t own a television. The service guy sure was happy when we asked him not to install a cable splitter or any cable, and just lowered the bill.

  40. Jen M. says 16 December 2009 at 09:13

    I ditched cable years ago and have never looked back. We are now on the 3 at a time unlimited plan with Netflix. Total cost? $19/month, and we’re very happy with it. Sadly, the streaming does not work for us, as my partner is deaf, and Netflix does not make their streaming content accessible. 🙁

    When I wanted to cancel my Comcrap account, I had to threaten them with going to the consumer protection agency in my county before they took me seriously. They are thieves and have a monopoly where I live. It sucks.

  41. Anthony says 16 December 2009 at 09:15

    I’m actually surprised by this. I find it very easy to negotiate rates with my cable company (and I’m a terrible negotiator). But it also helps that there are two major competitors here, and they are always offering promos.

  42. swguy says 16 December 2009 at 09:19

    I had a very similar experience to Nick. I wanted to just drop cable TV altogether and use Hulu and Netflix instead, but it turned out that, after some haggling, retaining the TV only cost $10 more per month than internet alone–and I actually got ~100 more channels, including some commercial-free movie channels. (Go figure!) I saved about $40 compared to the regular rate I had been paying. With the bundling they do, it’s impossible to get “internet only” for a reasonable price (at least in my area).

    If you’re renting a cable modem, go on Craigslist and buy a used one to save that $5/month. You should be able to get one for under $30.

    I have to say, despite their bad reputation, my dealings with Comcast have been mostly very good. Their customer reps and technicians have been competent and generally agreeable, and when we had some recurring problems with our service they were willing to discount that month’s bill.

  43. Jenn S. says 16 December 2009 at 09:21

    Thanks, JD! I just called Comcast (they wouldn’t talk about my bill in online chat, which was weird), and got my internet bill lowered from $48 to $24.99 – not quite as good as your deal, but it matched the offer I had received from Clear WiMax the other day. Thanks for the tips – I’m marking my calendar for 5 months from now to renew the offer!

  44. PA Mom says 16 December 2009 at 09:23

    You are so right Tyler! We have an almost zero desire for new “stuff” without commercials. And without network/cable news shows, things are a lot less depressing around here lately! LOL (And we’re on unemployment.) All that stuff just brings you down or makes you feel like you’re missing out on the latest/greatest gadget.

    For anyone who’s streaming Netflix, check out the British TV show Good Neighbors. They are the ultimate in frugality!

  45. Marcos says 16 December 2009 at 09:35

    Who is frugal spending $132.88 a month in cable????

    Give me a break!!!

  46. Greg C says 16 December 2009 at 09:41

    When I originally signed up for Comcast cable internet 8 years ago, I did it through a retailer to get the free cable modem promotion. They were running it at Best Buy, Circuit City,etc. I think it was $49.99 with a $50 MIR- or something like that.

    Even if I just bought the modem outright, it would have been 50 bucks, maybe 79.99 tops. It was a Motorola modem.

    I moved out of the Comcast area and got a new cable company. I wasn’t going to start renting then. I insisted they make it work with my existing modem. They did.

    I have Uverse now. They use their own 2Wire gateway. I can’t use my Motorola modem with it, but it still works. I used it for almost 7 years and 2 cable companies. If I had rented, it would have cost me an additional $400+. Maybe you can’t expect a modem to last that long, but even if it breaks after 1 year it is still cheaper to buy the modem. If the modem broke, I could then always choose to buy another or start renting one at that time- no reason to rent one indefinitely and throw away money.

    Now if anyone has a solution for the monthly fees ATT charges for each box…

  47. Greg C says 16 December 2009 at 09:47


    I consider myself frugal and spend close to that. However, mine also includes telephone ( which is a necessity for my wife) and internet ( which is a necessity for both of us) and the lowest priced TV package.

  48. PA Mom says 16 December 2009 at 09:54

    Greg C, if you have high speed internet, you may want consider a wireless headset and Skype for your wife. You can call landlines and cell phones from Skype and I think the rate is around $3-4 a month.

    We’re still pondering what to do about our cells. I know there’s room for improvement on the cost of that.

  49. PA Mom says 16 December 2009 at 09:59

    Just wanted to add, we tried MagicJack for phone service. Couldn’t get it to work, even with their tech support staff helping.

  50. Marcos says 16 December 2009 at 10:09

    PA Mom…I have MagicJack…the problems that I have before were when my computer didnt recognize the usb connection. After that is fixed the service works great!

  51. Kt says 16 December 2009 at 10:13

    I just tried the live chat approach and was informed that I had to call a Comcast number to get the discounts I was possibly eligible for. Do you think this is representative-dependent? or region-dependent? I’m in Nashville, and I’ve heard rumors that AT&T is offering services, or I guess I could threaten to switch to satellite, though since I’m in an apt, not sure if they would catch on. Any suggestions?

  52. PA Mom says 16 December 2009 at 10:17

    Hi Marcos,

    We tried everything we could think of. We used a USB port that we knew was working fine (unplugged something else). Then we tried several different ports, different computer settings (with their tech support person on the phone), nothing worked. After about three hours with tech support we just gave up and returned it for a refund. The tech guy thought it was just a bad MagicJack, but I wasn’t willing to reorder it and give it another try. It became “not worth the effort”.

    I read up on consumer feedback online and the general consensus about it seems to be that for some people it’ll work great on the first try and for others it’ll never work. LOL!

  53. Matt says 16 December 2009 at 10:30

    Of course this blog is about *personal* finance, but I’ve had lots of success negotiating prices from all my vendors at work. We dropped 1/3 off our internet bill and probably 1/4 off our phone bill. I’ve also had better discounts out of Dell lately, both on the corporate (business) side, as well as their consumer deals. If you’re buying a computer from Dell, and you know what you want and what it costs, give them a call and ask for a better price. They’re commissioned sales guys, if they get the sale by giving you another 3% off and free shipping, they make money. 🙂

  54. chacha1 says 16 December 2009 at 10:32

    DH and I consider our AT&T Dish package a fair value – internet, Dish, 2-TV DVR, and our fax line, for about $100/mo. The business cell service costs more!

    We watch TV together, so I have a question for those “TV is crap, use the internet” folks: do you have a huge monitor that you can sit in front of as a family, or do you do what some of our friends do – partner 1 in one room, partner 2 in another, barely seeing each other? And this doesn’t even touch on computer gaming, something else the internet people seem to do more of.

    Based on what I’ve heard from people I know, switching to internet-based entertainment doesn’t generally mean people spend less time in front of a screen. Sure, they may see fewer advertisements, but seeing an ad doesn’t HAVE to mean buying a product – and wasted *money* can usually be earned back. Wasted *time* never can be, so what’s the real difference between internet and TV?

  55. Frank says 16 December 2009 at 10:34

    @PA Mom
    What you did is exactly what I’m in the process of doing. I actually kept basic cable (12.95, non digital) because it’s cheaper to have basic+internet, than just internet by itself. My last step is cutting out Vonage which will be done in January when the 1 year contract is up; I’ll be moving to GoogleVoice which is already proving to be 10x more useful than Vonage

  56. Liface says 16 December 2009 at 10:45

    Comcast is one of the worst companies ever (Blazer game ripoffs, arrrgh), but has the best customer service I’ve ever dealt with. I once called in with five different issues on one bill and had them all resolved within twenty minutes. The rep then gave me a bunch of discounts for my trouble.

  57. The Broken Penny says 16 December 2009 at 10:45

    I played the negotiation game with Comcast for about 2 years and it always worked well. It got especially easy once Verizon Fios came to town, suddenly Comcast became a lot more willing to negotiate. But, finally I got sick of having to pick of the phone and negotiate and just opted for basic cable plus the little advertised Family Tier. Its a great comprise to getting rid of cable completely. They also have the Sports Tier add on for about $8 dollars extra over basic. This resulted in a $10 dollar savings over the previous promotional package I was offered and $41 over the standard rate.

  58. Wayne K says 16 December 2009 at 10:47

    When AT&T became available in my area I switched from Time Warner. When I took the boxes in to the TW office, there was a line around the block of people doing the same thing. And, TW was more than willing to cut your bill by 1/3 or more to keep you.

    Also, I recently negotiated down my cell service (AT&T). They gave me an unpublished plan that better meets my needs and saves me $15 /month. I was approaching the end of my contract agreement and started asking questions about discontinuing service and switching to another carrier.

  59. Marcos says 16 December 2009 at 10:54

    PA Mom:

    Well…it still working for us…it is not perfect…but it is free :0) . For people with cellphones at T-mobile…they offer a internet-based phone service for the house for $10 a month.

  60. Bible Money Matters says 16 December 2009 at 11:10

    We recently signed up for cable TV, and by using the chat (which seems to have the highest likelihood of success) we were able to get a package that normally goes for about $84.99/month for $36.99/month. All we had to do was ask for freebies, and reference deals that others had gotten. A good point to consider when shopping for cable deals is to check out hot deals forums where others are talking about the deals they got. That way you can find a specific deal to ask for when chatting. Great post!

  61. Stefanie says 16 December 2009 at 11:28

    I did something similar a couple of months ago – I don’t have tv, only internet from Comcast, and was paying $33/ mo., which is a decent price as is; then I found a flyer that was offering $23/ mo. I called, asked them to change it, and they tried to offer me something else, but relatively quickly changed it. Its only for 6 mos., but I will call again them and try to work out another special deal.

    I think it really does depend on one being willing to leave them and saying so – since they really really want to keep customers right now.

  62. Nicole says 16 December 2009 at 11:38

    @54 Chacha

    “We watch TV together, so I have a question for those “TV is crap, use the internet” folks: do you have a huge monitor that you can sit in front of as a family, or do you do what some of our friends do – partner 1 in one room, partner 2 in another, barely seeing each other?”

    Actually, yes. The XBox and a separate computer are hooked up to a projector in the living room. Even computer gaming is a shared experience. I have nothing against TV, but prefer the on-demand limited/no commercials aspect of Netflix, Hulu, comedy central etc. (Also has the benefit of being able to start a series after you know it hasn’t been cancelled in the middle of the season.) Obviously if you’re into sports, that isn’t generally going to work.

  63. Tyler Karaszewski says 16 December 2009 at 11:46

    “I have a question for those “TV is crap, use the internet” folks: do you have a huge monitor that you can sit in front of as a family, or do you do what some of our friends do – partner 1 in one room, partner 2 in another, barely seeing each other?”

    My wife and I just put a 15″ laptop on the coffee table and sit on the couch next to each other and watch it together.

  64. Ulrike says 16 December 2009 at 11:56

    I’ve called twice to request lower rates from my cable company (Mediacom). The first time, they gave me the discount, no problem. The second time, they said I was already getting a discount (I was having billing issues and hadn’t actually received a bill in months, which was the real reason I called; I just figured while I was talking to them, I may as well ask), but that I could call back in a couple of months and ask again. I assume their offers are quarterly, as well, based on the date I was told to try back. Which reminds me: I haven’t called back since then. I should do that!

    My sister tried the same thing with Mediacom, and they couldn’t reduce her rates. She switched to DSL, which involved getting a landline. She had to add a land line (she was cell only), and even with that, DSL was faster and cheaper than cable internet.

    My DSL is more reliable, faster, and about the same price as my cable internet had been (I switched over a year ago). Plus, they upgraded my neighborhood to fiber optic after I got my package, and they gave me a free upgrade!

  65. Tomas Stonkus says 16 December 2009 at 12:02

    Dear G.E:

    The best way to lower your cable/internet bill is to get rid of cable 🙂

    I haven’t had cable for years! Nor I find the need to use it all. With way the internet technology is developing, I can do everything I need online.

    I can watch news, I can listen to radio, thanks to Hulu I can watch movies, shows, cartoons, TV right there online. It is just the matter of asking yourself: do I REALLY need this or can do away with out it?

    As far as negotiating, these are all great tips for the future when I will want to lower then bill.

    One thing that has worked for me the best is just saying that I will cancel the service because I cannot afford it. Most of the time any company has been more than happy to accommodate my needs to save me as a customer.

    One things that works magic is telling them how much you love and appreciate their service (but be sincere about it) and you hate to make this tough decision.

    Realize that you are a valuable customer, because if they do not keep you happy, they are loosing all of the future potential income from you. Keep that in mind!

    Thanks for a great story and it is true that you can negotiate everything!


  66. Brian says 16 December 2009 at 12:09

    I just tried this with my Verizon FiOS service. All I got was two very curt, unhelpful service reps that seemed to want nothing to do with me. They were not able/willing (depending on benefit-of-the-doubt) to apply any specials or promotions as they were “only for new customers, not existing customers”. They also won’t let you cancel and start as a new customer unless the new account is under a different last name. FiOS service is great, but I’ve never been pleasantly surprised by their customer service. Oh well, nothing but a few minutes of my time lost to the attempt.

    I’m sure I have a note on my account about it, or I’d try again by phone later.

  67. PA Mom says 16 December 2009 at 12:23

    Back atcha Frank…

    Our cable co (RCN) went all digital this month in our area, so no more cheap analog plus they wanted me to get an HD box.

    I’ll take a look at GoogleVoice. Thanks!

  68. Siva says 16 December 2009 at 12:25

    Awesome. I tried the chat with AT&T but it didn’t go very far. They couldn’t help much. They did however, provide me a Customer Retention number =) 18006567176

    Called them and I cut my home phone and wireless bill by a nice 21%

  69. Andy says 16 December 2009 at 12:28

    This totally just worked for me. I got a $35 reduction in cable and internet for 6 months. Then I can try again.

    I’ve been meaning to do this for a while but your article was the kick in the pants I needed.

  70. Joshua Wheeler says 16 December 2009 at 12:37

    Great Article! Really appreciated this one.

  71. Frank says 16 December 2009 at 12:43

    @PA Mom
    I missed the part about cell phones but if you have verizon they have loyalty plans. They are plans that are not advertised on their site but are offered to customers of a certain length of time. For a family share you can get 2 lines w/ 550 minutes, unlim nights & weekends, IN network calling for 59.99. For a single line you can pay 25 a month for 100 anytime, 500 night & weekend but no IN network. If you’re looking to cut some more fat, they’re definitely viable options.

    Regarding GoogleVoice, it’s a VOIP similar to Skype except the main drive people are using it for is multiple call forwarding. Our new home phone number now rings my cell phone, work cell phone and work phone. You get free SMS with it, which if you have a gmail account you can reply right through the email instead of logging into it. It does voicemail transcribes to text (decent, not great). It allows for personal greetings based on the contact/group, call screening, etc, etc. All features of major VOIP but at $0. There are multiple articles on a website called Lifhacker detailing how to maximize it’s use.

  72. mbelousov says 16 December 2009 at 12:50

    I just did that last week. The 2yr business internet package was up and my rate hiked to $98. I called and said that wasn’t going to work for me and they lowered it back to $68. They also revised last months bill to remove the rate hike from the last billing cycle, you just have to ask.

  73. PA Mom says 16 December 2009 at 12:51

    Thanks Frank. Good to know. Yes, we’re with Verizon, so I’ll be giving them a call shortly.

    We don’t need or use texting, so that feature is blocked on our phones. We’re probably going to drop a phone and go to a 2-phone plan. My son uses Skype and never touches his cell, so we don’t need that one active for now.

    Hmmm…wonder what plan they have for 2 phones/no in network calling. We’ve never hit the max of our minutes so it doesn’t really matter if it’s in or out of network for us. These days we spend more time communicating online than via phone. Maybe I should look for something even cheaper with very few minutes and get Skype for calls made from home. We’re homebodies most of the time anyway lately.

    Food for thought. This is a great discussion! Lots of good ideas.

  74. Financial Samurai says 16 December 2009 at 12:53

    Here’s another one that’s worked a lot for me. Tell the operator you’d like to put in a GLOWING REVIEW to his/her manager! Ask for a survey to fill out, anything!

    Best, Sam

  75. Craig says 16 December 2009 at 12:53

    I’ve always found it better to to nice with customer service. You can get more with sugar than vinegar and being pleasant goes a long way. Also asking never hurts in any situation whether reducing a bill or a cute girls number.

  76. Amber says 16 December 2009 at 13:13

    I tried the online chat with Comcast last week on another matter. (I couldn’t get logged into my online account.) I found chatting with the CSR to be like talking to a robot that doesn’t quite know how to parse your words. The CSR claimed she couldn’t help me unless I was at home and could answer my phone to verify myself. I was at work. I got very frustrated and subsequently complained on twitter, where a very nice person from Comcast picked up on my use of the #comcast hashtag and helped me work through my issue wihtout having to be at home!

    I get the same robot vibe from this chat transcript, but perhaps if I can expect that going in this time I will have better luck. Thanks for the tip! I do think I will chat Comcast this week and ask for a lower rate.

  77. Vicky says 16 December 2009 at 13:14

    I thought this was worth a try, but no luck. I have Comcast for internet only and they were entirely unwilling to work with me unless I added cable television or home telephone. I tried in vain to point out that paying an extra $10 per month to add a service I don’t need does not count as lowering my bill.

    The best part was the end of the chat: “Thank you for choosing Comcast as your cable TV provider and have a great [insert day or night]!”

  78. PA Mom says 16 December 2009 at 13:15

    @ Financial Samurai & Craig

    Yeah, that was actually fun to do with the TiVo customer service rep. I was calling them to cancel and when she asked the reason I told her due to unemployment. Stopped her dead in her tracks at first! LOL We chatted a little more and she said “You sound like you’re handling this really well.” I told her, next time you’re having a bad day or are on the phone with a hostile customer, remember this conversation and be happy that you have a job in this economy. She said, “Oh, I definitely will!” Turned out to be a very pleasant conversation and she did say she was going to have them email me a feedback questionnaire.

    Obviously, I wasn’t going for a discount here since I can no longer make use of their service without cable, but I figured it would just be a nice change for her to have a pleasant chat with a customer who was canceling.

  79. MM says 16 December 2009 at 13:17

    I just tried this and reduced my bill for 12 months by 37%. WOW! Thanks soooooo muchOk

  80. David/Yourfinances101 says 16 December 2009 at 13:17

    Just did the same thing with Uverse—twice in the last year!

    Cut my bill in half!

  81. Kristin says 16 December 2009 at 13:19

    I am so glad you posted this, I never would have thought of asking them to lower it w/o having to change service. However, I just did this with Comcast and lowered my bill to from $127 to $95/month 🙂

  82. Cindy says 16 December 2009 at 13:24


    Thank you for the tips… I called dish network and they lower my rate by $15.00 a month (same package)for a year and gave me HBO and showtime for free for 3 months. It pays to be nice… I had been with them and long time and explained why do new customer get a break when I have been with them for so long.

  83. PA Mom says 16 December 2009 at 13:25

    Thanks to everyone who posted the idea about cable modems. Just found one on CraigsList for $20. That’s another $3/month saved on my RCN bill.

  84. Thirtysomething Finance says 16 December 2009 at 13:28

    Wrote a similar post re this — — I also habitually negotiate with Comcast. Every time they raise your bill, just call them up and repeat this process.

  85. Erin says 16 December 2009 at 14:11

    When I got online to set up my cable internet with Comcast, I haggled with the chat rep and ended up with an incredible deal.

    For a while he said $54.95 was as low as they could go for the cable internet I wanted, since I didn’t have any other services from them, but I was reluctant for so long that they ended up offering $19.99 a month for a year (they originally offered for only 6 months but then extended it when I continued to be reluctant), and then they cut the setup fee from $99 to $25 without me even asking!

    I ended up saving about $500 for the year. I was very happy with that haggling experience!

  86. ozzzie19 says 16 December 2009 at 14:13

    I’ve had the exact same conversation (in the exact same way) with comcast chat online and was stonewalled…guess its time to try again. Just a warning to those reading, individual results may vary!

  87. Joe says 16 December 2009 at 14:55

    Well you guys would’ve hated me as a Comcast rep. If you said you wanted to cancel I would tell you I can arrange that for you and start the work order. Most of the time people were just bluffing. But it wasn’t like I was mean, I was polite and simply did what they wanted me to do for them!

    Needless to say though, the job wasn’t for me–it was just something fun to do since we knew people called in to make a fuss to lower their rates, but I obviously learned all of my own negotiating tactics from this experience.

    The fun one is “I would like to cancel my service,” says the customer. The reply will always be “One second, let me send you to someone who can help you with that.” Those people are the Retention Department. They’re there to retain you and negotiate with you…

  88. Shara says 16 December 2009 at 15:05

    Regarding phone service, we just switched to Ooma and are liking it so far. The quality isn’t QUITE as good and it takes connections about a second longer, but as long as I’m never in a situation where I HAVE to get through to 911 and every moment counts I think I’ll be okay.

    We considered MagicJack, but we don’t leave our computer on all the time and didn’t want to. We wanted something really easy to use, stand alone, and as close to a regular landline as we could get.

    We like it so far, and our phone bill was getting stupid. It should pay for itself in five months, then everything is free, even if we decide to upgrade in a year we’re doing well.

  89. Joe says 16 December 2009 at 15:10

    Reply to Vicky:

    ” thought this was worth a try, but no luck. I have Comcast for internet only and they were entirely unwilling to work with me unless I added cable television or home telephone. I tried in vain to point out that paying an extra $10 per month to add a service I don’t need does not count as lowering my bill.”

    Yeah, if you are a one product customer they don’t really care too much about retaining you or helping out your bill. It’s when you’re a multiple-product customer and you (e.g. internet and cable) and you call and hint at dropping one of your services. Statistically, you’re more likely to stay and easier to retain with multiple products so they do their damnest to keep you at two or more…

  90. Diane says 16 December 2009 at 15:44

    I called Optimum online several months ago to try and lower our basic cable and internet service. They only offered a better rate if I increased my services! However, I did manage to get a $10 credit on the account. My husband laughed at the $10 credit.

    I am going to try on the online chat and see if I can get a better rate or even another $10.

  91. Alan M. says 16 December 2009 at 15:53

    Had a similar experience with Sirius Satellite radio. I have two radios, and I called to cancel one, they gave me both at half price for year.


  92. JaM says 16 December 2009 at 15:55

    Most of the time all you got to do is ‘Just ASK’! Sounds simple and believe me it is. I do this with Charter in MI but have to do it every 6 months. Important thing to keep in mind is to know the competition’s price and other alternatives in case you threaten to cancel services and it happens. Don’t be afraid to threaten to cancel, but you can always say you can get back about canceling before you actually have to! Call again & you might get a different customer service rep more amenable to give you a deal.
    And I only have the Charter internet service – the threat of cancellation works.

  93. Des says 16 December 2009 at 16:01


    We just hook our laptop up to the TV if we are watching Hulu with more then 2 people. If its just DH and I we watch it on the laptop. Its more convenient that way, we can bring it to any room in the house.

  94. Stephanie says 16 December 2009 at 16:50

    Thanks for the post JD! I’ve been meaning to do this for a while and your post reminded me of it so I jumped online immediately. I wasn’t as successful as you but did get a $15 a month discount for 6 months. I wrote about my experience here:

  95. Frank says 16 December 2009 at 17:00

    I used to do this all the time with my TV bill. That is until I realized there was nothing on. Ever.

    Today after reading this post I thought about my internet bill. I called Comcast and they dropped $15 a month off for the year.

    Comcast gets a lot of crap. Although I understand the feeling it being a monopoly, there are choices. You can choose other companies, another level of service, or cancel it completely and use the library. It’s not like the electric company. Something we need.

  96. G.E. Miller says 16 December 2009 at 17:02
    Great discussion – thanks for all the great comments.

    @ Everyone who got their bills cut today – Awesome! Great to hear that so many are having success and I could help inspire you to save some money right away.

    @ Everyone who didn’t – bummer. =( Individual results do vary. My suggestion would be to keep on trying. You might get a different response from a different rep. on a different day. There is company policy – but it does appear there is a human element to this as well. Maybe this post gave Comcast the red alert for the day.

    @ Everyone who says just get rid of cable and I’m paying too much – Believe me, I have fully considered and looked into this option – but have decided against it. I would have a hard time giving up live sports and no matter what setup I have online, I would fall short there. This post was about limiting your cost – doing away with the privilege is an entirely different conversation. Also, just to make clear, my total bill included a mid tier cable package, high speed internet, DVR, and the wireless router.

    @ Buying your own wireless Router – Good suggestion. I had looked into this option as well and want to point out that Comcast is going to upgrading their system and you need a certain type of router to be able to work with the signal. Do your research on this one before going out and buying a wireless router – you don’t want to get one that will be obsolete in a short time. I ultimately decided to wait until the upgrade before purchasing a new router. If you’ve researched this and know exactly what routers are present and future compatible, please share.

    GE Miller

  97. Arntor says 16 December 2009 at 17:12

    Thanks for the motivation! I just called WOW! and they just cut my bill by $18 per month, or 21%, for 12 months. I was pleasant and told them that ATT U-Verse and Comcast Triple Play were offering prices $30 less than what I’m currently paying, but that I’d prefer to stay with them. A five minute phone call just saved me $216 over the next year. Sweet!

  98. Jiggles says 16 December 2009 at 17:13

    I have Time Warner and I was able to negotiate a similar deal a few months ago. I hadn’t really been paying attention to my cable bill. Charges and fees were slowly creeping up and I was paying almost $65/month for the lowest tier digital cable package! I was set on switching to Dish Network or DirecTV after comparing their plans. I called Time Warner to cancel my service. When they asked why, I explained to them the deal I could get with satellite. The agent offered to lower my bill to $42/month and give me a new cable box with a DVR. Upgrade/win!

  99. Scott says 16 December 2009 at 17:43

    Tried with Dish network tonight and they were only able to cut my bill by $5. I ended up dropping HBO so overall I saved $21. Didn’t want to give anything up, but won’t be watching HBO until some shows return in the summer. Oh well, guess I’ll have to try again soon…

  100. ghf says 16 December 2009 at 18:00

    i dont want to burst your bubble,but comcast has offer for $29.99 for cable for a year about $32 after taxes,i got it with free hbo.the internet was $19.99 was for a year now dropped to 6 months,but the standard offer is $99 internet,phone and cable tv and $200 gift card,the comcast box is too slow i have it disconected,as the tv works faster with out it,an aerial would give you free tv,ooma would give you free phone,at&t has internet for $10 its slow and you need a phone line,it costs $7 extra for hdtv box,you get free 2 aadapters for crt tvs,still slow,

  101. SM says 16 December 2009 at 18:02

    Just tried it – and to my surprise, it did work! Got about 20% reduction in price. Albeit only for 6 months, but that’s money too. And in 6 months I could call again, right? 🙂
    Makes one think how much money you pay just because you did’t think to ask to have better price… Thanks a lot for pointing out the obvious and saving me some money!

  102. John DeFlumeri Jr says 16 December 2009 at 18:05

    Thanks for the great advice, I’m going to call my cable company tomorrow and work them on my bill!

    John DeFlumeri Jr

  103. Sara says 16 December 2009 at 18:19

    I once chatted with Time Warner Cable customer service to try to get them to lower my internet fee to the price they were advertising on their web site (not a temporary promotional rate — when I went to their web site and typed in my zip code, it told me the regular rate was less than what I was paying at the time). The CSR insisted I was lying about the rate the web site quoted me, and said that the real rate was on a page of their web site that I could only get to by clicking on the link she gave me! I am always polite with customer service, but this woman was downright bitchy, and eventually she just cut off the chat session (basically hung up on me).

    It wasn’t my first bad experience with TWC, either. They have the worst customer service I’ve ever encountered. And they just raised my cable internet price from $43.95/month to $49.99/month. Unfortunately, it’s the only thing available in my area.

  104. Joel says 16 December 2009 at 18:26

    I tried this with Comcast today – and you cannot negotiate pricing over Live Chat and have to call a number to do so. 🙁

  105. April says 16 December 2009 at 18:47

    Just spent 15 minutes talking w/ Charter. No deal! They are the only provider for my area and although I found an offer online for new customers for $20 less than what I am paying (for same services) they insisted it was for new customers only and it would not “go through” their system. They also said that if I canceled services and reconnected I would not qualify either b/c I am technically not a new customer. I was very nice and the agent was very apologetic, but I got nowhere. Any ideas? By the way, Charter does not have a live chat for this type of customer service. I tried chatting and was given a phone number to call.

  106. Josh says 16 December 2009 at 18:48

    @Buying your own wireless router. GE, I work for Comcast. There are no changed being made that will require specific wireless routers to be used. However, there are changed being made that will eventually make current Docsis 2.0 cable modems obsolete. The new standard will be Docsis 3.0. Right now it is fairly expensive to purchase a Docsis 3.0 modem from a retailer such as Best Buy, but they are capable of higher internet speeds that the current modems are. Of course you have to pay more to get the new higher speeds.

  107. Zeus says 16 December 2009 at 19:02

    Just took this approach and got my triple play bill lowered from $180 to $140 for 12 months then $160 after 12 months.
    Thank You!

  108. Sara says 16 December 2009 at 19:33

    I had to laugh when I saw this post because I actually just called Comcast a few days ago to get my pricing lowered after my prior promotions expired. FYI, I did get my monthly bill reduced by about $32 per month by calling. I’m in a big market with lots of competition (Atlanta), so getting them to offer reduced pricing was easy.

    Even though I had already taken care of that before seeing this post, GE Miller’s advice did help me in another way: it prompted me to finally take care of contacting my bank to try to get a few fees waived (incurred by using ATMs overseas). I have always called customer service numbers in the past, but this post got me to try the online chat method. I am happy to report that it was very successful — they even refunded one fee more than I asked them to! Thanks, GE Miller!

  109. Billy Jack says 16 December 2009 at 19:37

    Tried this with Time Warner rip-off internet service only to learn since my last bill the price went UP a couple bucks. Great.

    They were giving NO discounts, promotions or anything, unless I wanted the slower service.

    I can’t get DSL where I live, so am stuck paying Time Warner. Someone needs to break up these monopolies.

  110. Simon says 16 December 2009 at 20:03

    I would have to say I was not nearly as successful. I tried the same methods. Being pleasant yet asking for help in lowering my costs outright. And I had no luck. Read transcripts below “yvonne” states that I have to contact the loyalty department in order to try and get a better price. REAL WEAK COMCAST.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:43:02 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Hello Simon_, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Yvonne. Please give me one moment to review your information.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:43:05 GMT-0500 (EST))>


    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:43:20 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    A pleasant day to you. Thank you for being with me today.We appreciate the time you are taking to contact us, I will be assisting you from here on out. Before anything else, I would like to ask, how is your day so far?

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:43:25 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    how are you today

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:43:35 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    great and you?

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:43:49 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    That is good to know Simon.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:43:55 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    i am doing fine. Busy.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:44:04 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    holiday season!

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:44:05 GMT-0500 (EST))>


    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:44:25 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Yeah exactly.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:44:36 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    But it’s alright we enjoy the job.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:44:44 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    so i was trying to pay my bill and realized i had missed a payment for december. I took care of that and paid it just now but then i was taking a look at Decembers bill and noticed it was much more money that november

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:45:10 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Okay. I’m sorry this has been happening; let me find a solution for you today.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:45:13 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    I was wondering if you can figure a way to lower my bill?

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:45:14 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Let me check it from here.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:45:19 GMT-0500 (EST))>


    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:45:49 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    I will try my best.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:45:52 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    I just need to verify your account from here.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:45:58 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    To ensure the integrity of your account information could I please have the last 4 numbers of your SSN.?

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:45:58 GMT-0500 (EST))>


    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:46:05 GMT-0500 (EST))>


    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:46:21 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Thank you for that information. Please allow me a minute to pull up your account.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:47:18 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Thank you for patiently waiting.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:47:29 GMT-0500 (EST))>


    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:48:59 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    I am now in the account.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:49:17 GMT-0500 (EST))>


    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:50:31 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Simon, to lower your bills our choice is to downgrade your internet service.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:51:35 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    well first of all, from what i read int he bill i should be being charged 42.95 because I am cable customer NOT 57.95. my second question is what is the $10 high speed bump?

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:52:01 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Yes, you are currently at $42.95 for internet.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:52:24 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    in the december bill it states 42.95+10+5

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:52:45 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    The $10.00 is the additional cost for having the increase of speed.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:53:06 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    is this increase of speed not a standard thing with high speed internet?

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:53:37 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    The increase of speed has an additional cost.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:54:11 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    I was also not charged for increase in speed for the past 6 months, was my speed increased for the month of December?

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:54:57 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Yes, because on the past 6 months you were under the promotion. However it already expires that is why the December month charges you the additional of $10.00

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:55:10 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Are there any promotions I can get?

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:56:11 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    I have informed our Loyalty department know about your concern and they will give you a lesser price. Or you can call them directly at this number: 1-866-565-4863.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:56:33 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    They will also be the one to process the downgrade of your products. Okay.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:57:45 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    I dont want to downgrade my service, im wanting to know if i can get any promotions. i know many people that have been asking to lower their cable costs and comcast has been working with them

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:58:04 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Okay. Yes, I understand that.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:58:32 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Our Loyalty department would be able to provide you lower prices and have the same services.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:58:40 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    They are available suring office hours.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:58:42 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    so the only way would be talk to somone?

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:58:56 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Monday to Fridays – 8:00 – 5:00 PM.

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:59:02 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    ok thank you for your help

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:59:15 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    You’re most welcome Simon.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:59:19 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Happy Holidays!

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:59:24 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Do you have other concerns for today aside from this?

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:59:42 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    you as well

    Simon_(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:59:46 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    thankyou, nothing else today.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:59:50 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Thank you.

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:59:55 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    If you need further assistance, you can chat with one of our Customer Support Specialists 24 hour a day, 7 days a week at

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 21:59:56 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Thank you for choosing Comcast as your Internet Service Provider and have a great night!

    Yvonne(Wed Dec 16 2009 22:00:09 GMT-0500 (EST))>

    Analyst has closed chat and left the room

  111. Ouida Vincent says 16 December 2009 at 20:06

    Why re-negotiate when you can just watch TV for free? I use my internet connection to watch limited commercial TV. What I want, when I want it. Period. The satellite is off, the cable is off. I just have the internet connection. Certain major sporting events like Wimbledon and the US Open Tennis offer on-demand internet service. I am just not a sports fan, so I am enjoying the savings. I recommend buying a modem from They carry the same modems used by Qwest that allow upgrading. At 5 dollars per month rent, you end up buying a new modem every 12 to 14 months anyway. Truth of the matter is that none of the ISPs upgrade their services that often.

  112. Scott says 16 December 2009 at 20:13

    Just lowered my bill from 133 to 83 and got better speeds on my internet and more channels. I didn’t even haggle at first, they went right for rock bottom. Thanks for the info!

  113. T-Man says 16 December 2009 at 21:10

    I tried this today, without success, before reading this. I have been getting cable/internet/phone from Time Warner with a rate of $99.95. The rate is going up $10 and I refuse to pay it.
    I explained it to Customer Service, telling them I was willing to cancel the TV and phone if my rate changed. They wouldn’t deal. I told them to come and pick up the cable box at the end of the billing period. And I’m going to port my phone number to my cell phone.
    I was going to go with DirectTV, but I think I will just go cold turkey and forgo TV.

  114. emm333arrd33 says 16 December 2009 at 21:47

    i saw a 33% increase in one year with no service level changes. i can completely identify… just remember that they may charge you to make a change to the account and if it’s in the middle of a billing cycle, the bill may be all jacked up looking and impossible to understand the pro-rated cost.

    another thing to add is that if you have multiple room boxes like i did (1 dvr/recorder + 3 regular receivers) and they wont negotiate, take back a couple boxes and talk to them politely in person. i had someone jack with me via IM conversation wasted 30 minutes of my time talking, stating they’d lower the cost to “X” and then totally going back on it (i sent the contents of that IM to comcast to show them how poor their customer svc was). i then returned two boxes in person to a payment center and stated that i was debating bringing everything back and switching companies. the csr looked up some deals and cut my bill down by 50 bucks… for 12 months. i now have 10 months to ponder whether the hassle was even worth one penny.

  115. Darwin's Finance says 16 December 2009 at 21:49

    Yes! Coincidentally, my bill came in today and jumped back to old prices (I had done the promo thing but they expire every 6 months). Anyway, saved even more money than last time. …and tweeted the whole thing. Saving $45/mo at this point.

    It works!

    Just say “FIOS”

  116. Doctor Stock says 16 December 2009 at 22:29

    Always make the ask… it never hurts… why not? I’ll save the money for the guts to ask the question.

  117. shAne says 16 December 2009 at 22:46

    I’ve done exactly the same with Comcast. This post is right-on…except that it completely contradicts itself!

    >>Comcast has a notorious reputation for being unwilling to make their customers happy.<>Customers of other monopolistic cable outfits across the nation know the feeling.<<

    Monopolistic?! Sure, there are places where there’s only one /cable/ company, but the market isn’t for /cable/ — it’s for TV, or internet, or whatever. Directv & Dish Network are everywhere. Every phone company offers broadband service of some kind. It’s hard to call a business that’s competing with other businesses “monopolistic”.

    Other than that, G.E. is right-on. Keeping customers happy-enough to stick around is what businesses do. He just (as usual) misreads or misrepresents in order to get a cheap shot in about capitalism.

  118. karla says 16 December 2009 at 23:16

    me: Could you get me a better price on my cable/phone/internet?

    Belgian customer service (heavily accented English): It is not possible.

    me: Of course it isn’t

    Repeat for practically anything. “It is not possible” sometimes appears to be the national slogan.

    Coupled with “Madam” you know the outcome will not be good at all. (and will likely cost a lot)

  119. It's Only Money says 16 December 2009 at 23:55

    Great work! Why not just get basic cable for $9 to $17? You can watch so much on your computer — TV shows, movies, live sports. (I watched the entire Oregon-Oregon State game on

    Also, as Richard Birke, director of Willamette University’s Center for Dispute Resolution, says, “Everything is negotiable … if you talk to the right person. In the consumer world, that’s rarely the first person you get on the phone.” (

    That’s because the first person you talk to often lacks the authority or motivation to cut your bill. He fears what her boss might think. The boss, generally speaking, has longer tenure with the company and, therefore, more vested in keeping you as a customer. She also has a better sense of what the company can afford to give up, Birke says.

    If you’re getting nowhere, ask for a supervisor. Worked for me in this case:

  120. Jason B says 17 December 2009 at 06:41

    Not sure about the terminology being used, but as long as you have a DOCSIS 2.0 (or higher) cable modem, you can buy whatever wireless router you want. I spent $37 on my D-Link DCM-202 many years ago, and $25 on my Buffalo DHR-125 router two years ago. The savings over rental has really added up by now. And I get 18-26Mbps downloads (18Mbps consistently, with short 26Mbps bursts when downloads start.)

  121. BB says 17 December 2009 at 06:54

    We dropped Comcast altogether because the telephone wiring in our house degraded to the point where the land line no longer worked. As we live in a valley, there’s no cellphone service in the house either. So we switched to an all-fiber optic system for TV, telephone, and high-speed internet. Cheaper than rewiring the house; saves us about $18 per month over what we paid before, and we received $150 in the form of a Visa gift card. I see this offer from fiber optic providers on TV all the time.

  122. Matt says 17 December 2009 at 07:21

    UNREAL!!! I read this article, and within 10 minutes I had logged on to Comcast Chat, spoke with a CSR and save 30%($38.00) on my monthly bill!!!

    Thanks a million!

  123. Lefty33 says 17 December 2009 at 07:34

    Actually with cable you can’t negotiate anything depending on where you live.

    In the area of PA where I live in there are only two cable companies and for the most part neither really do “deals”. (RCN & Service Electric)

    When a new housing development gets built PA law allows one company to buy the rights to be the exclusive provider to that area and exclude any other competition. (Of course the builder gets a taste from the cable company.)

    This also applies to just regular housing as well.
    Where I live I only have three choices.
    1. Service Electric (RCN does not service the area)
    2. DISH
    3. Nothing

    I’ve called several times, before I dropped cable altogether in April, to ask about deals and the answer was more or less, Why should we compete with ourselves?
    If I wanted to “save” I could bundle, and spend more per month for services that I wouldn’t use and don’t need, or drop cable. So I dropped cable.

  124. goofydg1 says 17 December 2009 at 07:46

    This worked for me as well. I was surprised the first time we did it and it worked.

    It’s a pain because we have to do it again like every six months but we usually end up saving a good third. Luckily we have DLS and satellite options available in the area so they know there is a certain point where we’ll make the effort to switch.

  125. fairydust says 17 December 2009 at 09:18

    Can’t wait to try this online with Comcast tonight when I get home – we just got our latest invoice this morning and it takes my breath away how much we pay them for cable and Internet, yet DH will not even consider not having both. But as you say, asking for a deal can’t possibly hurt (I hope -LOL!).

  126. Kamantha says 17 December 2009 at 09:30

    Can you do this with Verizon? In my part of DC, Verizon is the only shop in town for local phone and internet service. Please help!

  127. lx says 17 December 2009 at 09:41

    I’ve been waiting for my promo rate to expire so I could try this out. Between you and Ramit, the “all you need to do is ask” theory comes up so often. I’ve been moving so often now that I haven’t had a chance to try it. Anyways, I only have internet, and my $25 promo went to $65 for December. Not only did the rep cut it (not to the original $25, but to $35), she also back dated the change into December so I got credited with the $65-$35 for next month! I wrote how my experience went down and linked the article and emailed that to just about everyone in my department.

    [edit]: I forgot to mention, they wouldn’t do any billing on Live Chat, so I had to call. Other than that, it worked perfectly…

  128. Meg says 17 December 2009 at 09:52

    I just tried this an my cable company told me I had to call them. I’ve called before about a year ago but I’m surprised they couldn’t help me online and the CS rep was less than friendly. I should probably just switch companies with service like that.

  129. Jess says 17 December 2009 at 10:12

    Thanks tons for this article! 😀 I just dropped my Comcast bill from $160 to $120 for 6 months. It does pay to be nice and just ask a lot of questions. The techs I worked with were amazingly friendly and understanding, which is not a normal thing with Comcast, so a very good experience!! I highly recommend using their Chat service anytime you need something (way better than phones).

  130. Johno says 17 December 2009 at 10:17

    ““TV is crap, use the internet” folks: do you have a huge monitor that you can sit in front of as a family, or do you do what some of our friends do – partner 1 in one room, partner 2 in another, barely seeing each other?”

    With most TV’s you can connect your computer or laptop to it. Newer laptops with HDMI output makes this even easier too so you don’t have to have a dedicated computer sitting by your TV or having to run a bunch of cords for audio and video.

  131. Jess says 17 December 2009 at 10:18

    I tried editing my previous comment, but no luck 🙂


    – DO YOUR RESEARCH on other services’ prices and promotions, as well as your own service’s price and promotions.

    – DON’T THREATEN to cancel. Ask for help lowering the bill, and maybe mention that you are considering other options but don’t want to leave Comcast, but don’t ever *threaten* cancellation as that just puts the chat in negative territory and the techs will become defensive and simply not wish to help you.

  132. el_chupacabra says 17 December 2009 at 10:20

    Uhm, there is no science to this. Yeah, all you have to do is ask, however Comcast WILL NOT lower your bill if you are just coming off a promotion. They will make you pay full price for 6 months before they will cut you a deal on another promotion. I’ve tried haggling to no avail, including the ol “hey, here is what Directv is willing to do for me” gambit. Didn’t work. The only deal they would cut me on TV & internet is if I added their damn phone bundle to my package. No thanks. I hate Comcast, but unfortunately I have no other viable alternative.

    I’m betting that the people who have had success at getting Comcast to lower their bill have just been off a promotion cycle long enough to be eligible for another promotional rate. Try that move again immediately following it’s expiration and see how you fare.

  133. PA Mom says 17 December 2009 at 10:33

    “TV is crap, use the internet” folks: do you have a huge monitor that you can sit in front of as a family, or do you do what some of our friends do – partner 1 in one room, partner 2 in another, barely seeing each other?”

    We use my son’s PS3 to stream Netflix on our “old” non-HD TV in the family room. If someone in the house wants to watch something different, they use a computer. More often than not, we’re finding that we’re all into watching the same show at the same time, so nothing as changed as far as family interaction for us.

    If you want to use the TV and don’t have a PS3, you can get a Roku box for about $80 to stream Netflix (no monthly subscription fee other than Netflix).

    We’re on our second week of no cable and we’re finding that we’re actually enjoying Nextflix a lot more than the extensive channel surfing we used to to while looking for something good to watch on cable.

    Some shows we watch via sites like Fancast and Hulu. Stuff that’s still in it’s current season and not out on DVD or streaming yet. You just have to pay a bit more attention to when your show is going to be available online (vs just having it show up on the TiVo). For the amount of money we’re saving each month, it’s well worth it for us.

  134. Wayne K says 17 December 2009 at 10:48

    Can someone point me to a resource that provides me with details about options to get the internet on my HDTV? I’d like to find a wireless approach since I have a wireless network in the house and hte PC is in another room. Cost effective approach is important.

  135. TheMightyQuinn says 17 December 2009 at 11:42

    I just did this (as I do every six months.) I cut my comcast internet from $58 down to $35 (40% savings.) It’s still not as good as the $20-$25 I was hoping for but this is all I could get out of them.

  136. Johno says 17 December 2009 at 11:50

    “Can someone point me to a resource that provides me with details about options to get the internet on my HDTV? I’d like to find a wireless approach since I have a wireless network in the house and hte PC is in another room. Cost effective approach is important.”

    Best approach would be to buy a small form factor computer, or build one, and have it sit by the TV like a DVD player (also a decent way to get a blu ray player if you don’t already have one).

  137. Frank says 17 December 2009 at 13:18

    “Can someone point me to a resource that provides me with details about options to get the internet on my HDTV? I’d like to find a wireless approach since I have a wireless network in the house and hte PC is in another room. Cost effective approach is important.”

    Unfortunately there is an initial up front cost to going this route whether it’s with a computer or network hardware. There are small NetTop devices out there by Acer (Acer Aspire Revo AR1600) and Dell (Optiplex 160, Studio Hybrid, ZinoHD)that will come in under 300 that can handle HD video streams. Some of these devices have built in Wireless but if they don’t USB wireless dongles can be had for 20-40 pending on speed. As long as the device you buy/build has HDMI or DVI out it will display HD resolution to the TV. Either way, the initial up front cost is still HALF of the cost for one full year of cable service.

    Once you have a PC in place with an internet connection you can install Boxee (AMAZING free media center application with built in access to tons of internet based tv sites) and Hulu Desktop.

  138. Shara says 17 December 2009 at 13:26

    Those of you who are getting a negative reaction to your request for improved price, don’t forget to ask if there is something they can do for you if you switch plans. Sometimes a change hits their system more like a new plan and allows you to lock in the promo rate.

  139. rubin pham says 17 December 2009 at 14:40

    you can get FREE hd tv by using a $30 indoor antena.

  140. Frank says 17 December 2009 at 15:09

    Anyone concerned about sports, you can access most sporting games live without paying a dime through sites like Justin.TV or SopCast. For those that want better quality and feeds, I know for a fact MLB & NHL offer season packages that allow you watch all out of area games in HD, while also having access to condensed games the following day. Not to mention ESPN360, which is carried by most ISP, is a great source for any college related sporting events.

  141. orchardmd says 17 December 2009 at 17:22

    Great tips – I just turned my $190/month tv and internet bill from Comcast into $75/month for the next 6 months!. All I had to do was ask, be nice and drop my internet from 16megs to 6megs. Thanks

  142. Justin says 17 December 2009 at 17:28

    I negotiated a discounted rate with Comcast but every month the bill came it wasn’t reflected and every month I would get pissed and call and they would apologize and swear my next bill would be correct. This went on for over a year, there was NEVER a month my bill was right. Recently I switched to DirecTV and got internet through Qwest and love both of them. It felt good to finally call Comcast and tell them to shove it.

  143. Travis says 17 December 2009 at 20:07

    Just got off the phone with Comcast and got the cable bill down to $75, from $110. Like a few of the other commenters above, they just extended package pricing I had for the last 6 months, another 6 months. It was easy! Just be pleasant and stick to your guns.

  144. Phyllis says 17 December 2009 at 21:20

    I usually contact Comcast every 6-12 months for a decrease in my monthly bill and it works. Today, I tried it again, using the same Uverse scenario as in the posted web chat. I went from $51.50 per month to $9.99 per month. I am so beyond happy for this post!

  145. Jeff says 18 December 2009 at 11:54

    I managed to get our bill cut by 42% today by doing a little haggling in the Comcast online chat. We got the same internet deal as you, but our cable was a little different. I figured out how much I would be paying by switching to DirecTV and used that as a starting point. I could have paid $29.99 a month with them, but honestly I didn’t want to go through the hassle of switching providers. So they first said they had a digital starter promotion for $29.99 for 6 months, which included the channels I was already getting. Then after checking some things, he realized it wasn’t available in my area, but there was a $39.99 per month for 9 months. More expensive, but still cheaper than what I’m paying. So then on a whim I asked if he could throw in the sports entertainment package (I’ve sadly been living without the NFL Network for a while now) for free because the 29.99 deal wasn’t available in my area, and he went for it. I’m sure it’s probably something they’re allowed to do all the time, but I was proud of myself nonetheless.

  146. eg says 18 December 2009 at 12:14

    Seattle, comcast internet only plus or minus 65 / mo. I called to “discontinue” service. Said I was going with Clear for flat 30 / mo. I let comcast retain me as a customer with a new monthly price – for 6 months – at plus or minus 35 bucks / mo. I should have called sooner but I’m a lazy SOB.

  147. Misha says 18 December 2009 at 17:55

    I followed this line by line and Time Warner Cable in Raleigh, NC knocked $20 a month off my bill.


  148. Lisa says 18 December 2009 at 18:31

    Can’t thank you enough! I just tried it using your tips (I pretty much copied & pasted your chat ; ). Anyway, since I currently have a promo, the chat rep couldn’t find any other discounts. BUT, she did encourage me to call the Customer Loyalty Department tomorrow Here’s that portion of our chat (I’m feeling hopeful!):

    Karissa > I have already exhausted all codes to find a suitable promotion that would lower your Digital Premier from $79.99. Unfortunately, $79.99 is the cheapest that we have for your market. But here is what I can do. I have noted your request here on your account – that you would want to lower your cable bill as it is too expensive. You may call our Loyalty Department tomorrow during business hours, that is from 8am to 5pm at 1-866-565-4863.

    Karissa > Rest assured Lisa, once you are able to give them a call, they would then apply a promotion that could help you lower your bill without changing your service since they have the direct access with the promotions and discounts that is being offered for a valued customer like you and update our data base right away so the changes would be good as soon as the discounts and promotions is being applied.

  149. Brendon says 18 December 2009 at 19:02

    Wanted to share my savings, fresh off the line with AT&T Uverse.

    I currently subscribe to:
    Uverse 200
    6mbps internet

    Total = $119/month

    I contacted customer service via their chat application and said I need to lower my bill. I also mentioned I am thinking of switching to DirecTV because of their promotions (true) but wanted to check with Uverse first. I was very cordial…actually overly nice.

    Net Net, I got the following results.

    $20 off my bill for 6 months
    $30 cash back after a month
    Upgrade to Uverse 300 and The Movie Channel
    Upgrade to 12mbps internet

    I’m happy with those results. Thanks for the inspiration!

  150. Sara says 18 December 2009 at 19:35

    Thanks for the tip about online chat with comcast! I did it today and they lowered my internet from the $60/mo it just went up to, back down to the $19.99 it started at, for 6 mos. Thank you.

  151. One Beta Mom says 18 December 2009 at 22:46

    True that as my kids would say… I just called Comcast last week and stated “This bill is too expensive every month. What can you do?”

    I cut my internet/cable bill by $40 a month.

    Not bad for a 10 minute conversation.

  152. chris says 19 December 2009 at 09:37

    As a one time comcast customer service agent, you cannot haggle with your bill. They have specific offers available to you at certain times, they will be happy to give you the best they can, but these promos are good for either 6 months to one year, then you must not be on a promo for a period of 6 months before you can be on one again.

  153. Bill Jackson says 19 December 2009 at 10:25

    I love the recorded announcements stating that this call “may be recorded”. I take this as permission (Yes Johnny, you may go to the bathroom.) to record the conversation and I record every one of them.

  154. Ron says 19 December 2009 at 11:24

    I used your technique and shaved $25 off my Comcast bill without changing services. It was an arduous process though and I had to play hardball with them. I went through two different people over more than an hour of chat and finally said that if there was nothing they could do I’d be switching to directv. They even tried to upsell me! Finally they came around. I was polite and friendly throughout but it was a LOT of work.

  155. Matt says 19 December 2009 at 14:14

    I just got off a chat with Time Warner here in NYC. They referred me to their retentions department. I very politely told them that Verizon Fios was now in my building offering a much cheaper plan and a termination rebate. I was basically told that there was nothing they could do, and that I should cancel my service!

    No luck for me. I might actually have to switch providers!

  156. BaSH PR0MPT says 20 December 2009 at 06:34

    My ISP would just say goodbye and tell me to go to another ISP. I’ve tried. I’m paying four times what I should be, but the account is one of the early ones installed which is stupidly high speed for home cable.

  157. sjk says 20 December 2009 at 07:56

    I wish I could use Hulu 🙁 Stupid international rights agreements! Canadians get shafted again..

  158. emm333arrd33 says 20 December 2009 at 09:43

    nice. i checked back to see if others were having more success… i have a couple other other piece of advice as someone who’s played this card a few times:

    – chat ALWAYS ends up taking longer. these reps can be very slow in response, looking things up, asking for validation info. if you get a fast one, you’re an exception.

    – @One Beta Mom has it right. take on this stance upon contact. “My bill is too high right now and money is tight. What can I do to lower it without changing my service?” this seems to strike a cord deeper than “i think i’m going to switch to DirecTv…” but all polite approaches work to find promotions they may have.

    – don’t be afraid to say “thanks”, hang up – and try another rep. you’d be amazed how just talking to a different CSR changes the perspective. some ppl don’t speak english very fluently… some are more willing to help. remember the human factor when connecting with them. if you insult them (trust me on this one) they will shut you down, regardless of you being correct and them contradicting themselves…

    – make sure to ask for ALL of the details of the changes to your account. are they charging you to change over? when will you see the new billing take effect? when is the promotion they are giving you going to end?

    – you can only have two promotional adjustments per year.

  159. PA Mom says 20 December 2009 at 10:11

    @ sjk: “I wish I could use Hulu…Canada”


    Try this site. I just found it last night, haven’t thoroughly surfed it yet, but it has channels worldwide.

  160. Ryan says 20 December 2009 at 16:35

    I did it! My bill pre tax was $186 (Ridiculous I know) Now I got $89.99 for full 12 months. (sorry for the long comment but I wanted to share.)

    Lian: What services do you have now?

    Ryan_: can you pull it up?

    Lian: We will get the best deal for the services that you have.
    Lian: I need your account number please, do you have it with you?
    Ryan: once sec
    Lian: Thank you.
    Lian: Thank you.
    Lian: Stay on the line please.
    Lian: We have here the $89.99 package for cable and internet.
    Lian: YOu will get the same services that you have now.
    Lian: We will just enroll you on a 12 months promotion.
    Lian: Would you want that, Ryan?
    Ryan: does that include sports package?
    Lian: Yes.
    Ryan: I will take it
    Ryan: thanks
    Lian: Great!
    Lian: Shall we proceed?
    Ryan: yes and just want to confirm that is for everything I have now
    Ryan: HD and DVR
    Ryan: HBO Starz etc.
    Lian: That is right!
    Lian: The promotion will run for 12 months.
    Ryan: yes please proceed

  161. MELT says 21 December 2009 at 11:43

    45 minutes and $60 per month savings.

  162. G.E. Miller says 21 December 2009 at 16:59

    I’m glad to hear that so many people have tried this with success! Great work, people! Extremely fulfilling to hear it.

    @ Chris – good to know about the every six month deal.

  163. Thomas says 21 December 2009 at 18:33

    I work for a large cable company myself and i would like to point out that all of these tips are correct. i even work in the department that saves customers and can confirm these statements but there is some stuff i would like to add. Tip #2 is a big one, i have to say working in a call center for a company most people despise is not an easy task, and if you come at a representive in a demeaning way they will be quick to schedule for your equipment to be picked up and your service to be canceled if thats what you are requesting. Asking flat out for a promotion is not something that is fully reccommended though, we are not supposed to just flat out offer promotions, we would rather you downgrade to something you can afford after the promo ends as opposed to just giving you another discount. Flat out asking for a promotion is like going to a grocery store and trying to get your items at a lower rate, its just not allways possible. Researching promotions is a good idea but dont rely on them too heavily, we typically have good offers for canceling customers but it is likely they are diffrent from the ones we offer to new customers, most of the time we offer straight bottem of the bill discounts as opposed to discounts on specific products. Mentioning competition/disconnection is your best bet to recieve the best offer, i would say that probably your best option to start the conversation, even mention offers you see for other companies, occasionaly if we see we are losing alot of customers to another company we will offer a really good deal for a short time to try and lower our disconnect rate for that month.

  164. thomas says 21 December 2009 at 20:25

    I recently moved into a house with an existing Comcast account and used your suggestion and advice to drop my cable bill $28 and internet by $20 for all of 2010.

    Thanks for reminding me that, as this site has proclaimed before, the final price is something consumers determine.

    Oh, almost forgot, I had to dump my first CSR because within 2 minutes of chatting I was told there were no available options. The second CSR seemed to find the options without a problem.

  165. Greg says 22 December 2009 at 11:18

    Just negotiated my bill down by 36.7% without losing a bit of service. Thanks for the tips!

  166. Joyce says 23 December 2009 at 13:39

    After receiving this post in my email, I decided to go ahead and try to lower my cable and internet bill with Time Warner. I first checked the company’s website and saw that they had a special for the package I currently had. All I did was call and ask… and I got them to lower my bill by $12/month. It’s not much, but it’s still something! Thanks to G.E. Miller for this post… it got me motivated to at least try…

  167. dove says 24 December 2009 at 00:20

    I followed your advice, and I was able to drop my comcast bill by $40 per month! Thank you for your post!

  168. Martha says 27 December 2009 at 14:33

    Saw this on Google Reader’s popular items and just had to try it out. Added the RSS of this site and G.E.’s two sites as well. Thank you!

    I lowered my Comcast bill from $120 to $86/mo for the year. It took me 3 chats and 1 call before a final chat got my deal. After failing for hours I thought my area (MA) just didn’t have deals due to no competition except satellite. Don’t give up!!! I was polite in every chat and call. Here’s my story.

    First chat: Wasn’t given a deal but was given a link to a promotional deal. Even though it said for new customers, he said after filling the forms out I could explain to a live chat person and get my deal.

    Second Chat: After filling out the form, new live chat opens and I was told no, new customers only. Tried to haggle but she said she couldn’t help me. Tried to upsell to add phone.

    Third Chat: Got the same person as the 2nd chat. She told me to call the Retention Department again.

    Phone Call: Decided to give the call a try. No help. Even after suggesting downgrade or switching.

    Fourth Chat: Was so excited how easy it was to get the deal.

    CSR > Hi! How are you today?
    Martha_ > Hi CSR , I’m good, how are you?
    CSR > Glad to hear that from you, Martha.
    Martha_ > Thanks for talkign with me
    CSR > I’m great, thank you.
    CSR > I understand that you want to find ways to lower your bill, I thank you for taking time to contact us regarding this. I will be glad to help you with your concern today.
    Martha_ > Great
    CSR > To ensure the integrity of your account, may I have your account number please?
    Martha_ > ###
    CSR > Thank you very much.
    CSR > Please give me 2 minutes to pull-up your account.
    Martha_ > ok
    CSR > I am now reviewing your account.
    Martha_ > Thanks for taking the time to check my account CSR
    CSR > Martha, since you never had this promotion before, what I could do for you is sign you up for this one.
    CSR > I would be able to lower your bill from around $120/mo before taxes to around $86 before taxes.
    CSR > That would be good for 12 months.
    Martha_ > Wow, just wow
    CSR > I’ll process it for you then.
    Martha_ > What would that include, the same digital and internet?
    CSR > What you currently have is Digital Starter and Performance Internet service.
    CSR > This new rate would be the same service as what you currently have.
    CSR > There would be no changes.
    Martha_ > Great, I would like to have that please, Thank you CSR
    CSR > Sure thing, you’re welcome. Confirmation number is ###. You will be paying for the days in which you had the service at the regular rate and for the days which you will be having it in promo rate.
    CSR > Your bill will automatically be adjusted.
    Martha_ > Excellent
    CSR > All done!
    CSR > Would there be anything else that I can assist with today?
    Martha_ > You’re the best CSR , I’m glad you could help em. Thank you.
    Martha_ > me*
    CSR > You are most welcome.

  169. Sydney says 28 December 2009 at 16:20

    I got a mailing from Comcast a few weeks ago about price increases yet again starting in January. That was just the last straw.

    Found a much better price with Direct TV (almost half the cost). AT&T U-verse is lower also. I used the Comcast chat, and didn’t threaten to cancel, just said I had been looking at U-Verse and Direct TV offers and wanted to know if Comcast could compete (true). I got passed to the “sales department”, and that rep offered $29.99/mo for six months. Matches the Direct TV price even though I didn’t mention the number specifically, so wonder if that means they are losing a lot of customers to Direct TV. I know I would have switched if Comcast refused to negotiate.

    So now I’m saving 46%. And the chat experience was actually very easy and pleasant. Kudos to them on this one. And thanks for the great tips here!

  170. Michael says 30 December 2009 at 13:12

    10 bucks says the CSR’s name was “Frank”.

  171. Timmy says 02 January 2010 at 01:39

    Our basic digital cable with dvr from Time Warner was over $80 a month with no movie channels. Crazy. We were going to quit and go to satellite, but they dropped the price to “the lowest rate they had in our area” which was around $63. Kept it for a few months, but we got playon and haven’t payed a single dime for over 6 months. Basic cable shouldn’t cost over $30 a month, period. Glad to be done with Time Warner. I wanted to quit their cable service anyway after they started running bandwidth limiting tests on their internet service in Beaumont Texas. I’ve had DSL for years, but wanted to let them know with my dollars that bandwidth limits weren’t going to fly.

  172. Mason says 04 January 2010 at 16:46

    How do you get into the Sales chat for Comcast now? All I can find is the support chat, who said they can’t do anything and I needed to chat with Sales. Then I went to and went to the Shop section, and there the person could only help me with checking out of services using their Shopping Cart.

  173. JamesM says 06 January 2010 at 12:17

    Thanks for the motivation! I called my cable company, mentioned Direct TV, and not only saved $23 per month, I scored HD service and a DVR.

  174. Brenda Pike says 06 January 2010 at 14:07

    Wow. I just did this after reading your post and they cut my bill by $20. It’s just for six months, but the lady I was chatting with said if I came back at that time, they could extend it. Thank you!

  175. L says 11 January 2010 at 19:16

    I’ve gotten my bill lowered before (both a promotional package and cutting service), but this time it didn’t work for me. I tried the online chat route, and even after being polite and doing my research, I was told I’d have to call Comcast’s toll free number and speak with someone there, because I have bundled service (internet and cable). Supposedly the rep couldn’t access any information for customers with bundled service–even though you obviously did! Oh well, it was worth a try. I’ll try via phone tomorrow.

  176. JP says 14 January 2010 at 23:36

    This didn’t work for me AT ALL! I am so sick of Comcast! We finally CUT OFF Comcast and took their cable box BACK. They didn’t even say “thank you” or “don’t you want to stay with us?” They just took the box and said “next…” in a very monotonouse way… WISH there was MORE TRUE competition in the cable business… tried to sign up for U-Verse, but their lines don’t come all the way to our house… 300 feet too short…

  177. Pat Yoe says 17 January 2010 at 13:35

    If you want to cut your cell phone costs, you have to go prepaid,

    I have Straight Talk. I previously had Verizon then switched to AT&T but the bills were CRAZY!.

    When I heard about Straight Talk I couldn’t believe it but have had it now for 2 months and it is just sick! I’d heard that it was on Verizon and the coverage is rock steady, so yeah.

  178. Ray Lanfear says 18 January 2010 at 16:11

    It works, lowered my bill by 30%, just for asking.

  179. LokiDucks says 23 January 2010 at 12:09

    I just finished a chat with Comcast, cut my bill literally in half, just by asking and knowing what deals they were advertising on their web page. I didn’t lose anything in the transaction.

  180. james says 30 January 2010 at 17:53

    Comments still going strong here I see…
    Anyone able to recommend a product that allows me to transmit my video from my comptuer to my TV on the other side of the room? That way I can stream my netflix movies to my TV, rather than huddling the entire family around the monitor…

  181. PA Mom says 30 January 2010 at 18:13

    We use my son’s PS3 to stream Netflix. You can also use a Roku:

    Or an Xbox 360

    And they’re working on making the Wii compatible too.

  182. james says 30 January 2010 at 18:20

    PA Mom, … then assume I want to watch Lost or The Office via the ABC or NBC website… 🙂

  183. Damian says 05 February 2010 at 11:18

    $55 to $25..not bad!

  184. Christine says 06 February 2010 at 11:11

    Thanks for this post. I just cut my Comcast bill by $20 bucks a month for the next six months.

  185. Alex says 11 February 2010 at 11:41

    I talked to a rep via chat. It took about 45 minutes to actually get to the right person. However, it was worth it. I was able to cut down the rate of my “Performance” internet plan from $48/mo to $33/mo for the next 12 months (w/ my own modem). (I was also offered the $29.99 for 6 months.) So that’s $180 worth of savings 🙂

    I’m going to return the rental & purchase my own modem. It’s definitely worth purchasing your own modem since the rates for modem rental went up to $5 this month! You can buy two modems for that much money in a year.

  186. Aaron White says 01 March 2010 at 12:29

    I just made my semi-annual Comcast price negotiation and they gave me the Triple Play Stone-Wall. 2 Calls, 1 Chat (using this script) and $0 discount. Grrrr!

  187. Dave says 19 March 2010 at 21:07

    I just tried the online chat negotiation method with comcast, and was unsuccessful. I wasn’t offered any new rate, as the tech support representative cited I already have a promotional offer, and couldn’t help me any further. She said:

    >This is currently the best offer that is available for online chat representatives. I will be notating your account about this request so that when you contact our local office representative, they will be able to give you the other options available in your area.

    She recommended I contact a local representative who may be able to do better. I already know they usually can only help out new customers though. I guess it doesn’t hurt to call and ask though.

    Thanks for the tip anyways G.E, I’m glad it worked for you and some of the others here.

  188. Mark says 21 March 2010 at 06:15

    Hey, thanks for publishing your experience! Right after I read it, I went to the COmcast website and used their “live chat” tool (a new thing for me as I’ve always used their phone support), and just as you suggested, I was pleasant and asked for a promo rate, and I ended up getting $20 reduction on my High-Speed Internet, couldn’t do anyything with the cable TV. I did NOT have to sign up to any new commitment, and I’m an established Comcast customer. — THANKS! I would have never thought to use the chat online!

  189. collegegirl83 says 17 April 2010 at 14:09

    Great piece! I recently moved out on my own and advice like this really helped me set up my bilsl for the first time on my own. I tried the same thing with my cell phone company, but unfortuately AT&T wasn’t interested in making my deal any better. After seven years of issues, I decided to break my contract and went with Net10 – a prepaid company with pay-as-you-go minutes. The savings are huge in comparison – more than $65 a month I’m saving and since I’m not much a talker, 400 minutes month suits me fine. I haven’t lost anything in terms of service because Net10 uses the TMobile network and they also have great international rates so they are great vavaction phones. It’s really bare bones and basic when it comes to Net10, but when you need to save , its what you have to do.

  190. Joe says 06 May 2010 at 10:28

    Thank you so much for writing this article. Immediately after reading this I started an online chat with comcast to reduce my bill. I am currently paying with taxs included around $114/month for High speed internet, and cable tv. It is their Digital Starter package. After using some of the same verbage as you did, he said that he could lower it to 84.98/month. I told him that is lower but not as low as the other providers. He came back and said that he was able to get it all the way down to $54.98 + Tax a month!!! for the same package i currently have. 58% savings. Thanks again, I suggest that everyone does this, or at least tries to.

  191. Michael says 11 May 2010 at 23:39

    I should add that I purchased my own modem (SB6120 – pretty much the best one)and I’m so glad I did. It was about $80 so I know it’ll take me a while to start earning money on it but it was well worth it.

    Also, I NEVER chat with representatives later than 6pm. I find that the best ones are on during the morning to mid-day. I’ve got the 6 month internet deal at the moment. It’s so nice to haggle and it’s nice of Comcast to give us deals.

  192. Wilson says 02 June 2010 at 23:41

    Hey how about you just cut everything… We are just to soft. Instead of worrying about watching TV and watching movies. Why don’t we spend some of that money traveling and doing some good stuff. Forget save save….How about stop spending spending spending.

  193. Julia says 03 June 2010 at 10:37

    I just did the Comcast chat, and they left the chat room after they couldn’t or wouldn’t do a thing for me. They told me I could remove my HD, other than that, I have basic cable, phone/internet @ 185.00 a month. Ridiculous. There should be a national tv blackout strike, where everyone in America cancels their cable on the same day.

  194. Julia says 03 June 2010 at 10:43

    Oh, and Wilson, what you said makes no sense. America is in such a financial hell hole that tv is actually the only thing people can still afford to have for entertainment-gas is 3.00 a gallon right now, it costs more to drive for a day than it does for cable..I don’t know where you live but we can’t afford to travel at all. The board games are getting old too, lol.

  195. nancy says 14 June 2010 at 08:20

    In ct if you are on low income or state assistance you can ask for the discount for that. you have to ask for it, they won’t offer it. also when the intro rate ends on the internet, to keep costs low i got the lowest speed. also they just raise the cable rates in April. so i canceled the cable and got netflix. just my experiences.

  196. earl says 30 June 2010 at 09:05

    Just called Comcast and reduced my bill by $30 a month.

  197. Maddox says 13 July 2010 at 22:34

    Just saved around $60.00 a month using the online chat method. It probably took about an hour, but obviously for a $720.00 per year savings, it was worth it. Actually, I was locked down into a two-year promotion, so that total goes up to $1440.00 over 24 months. High-speed internet, expanded digital cable, HBO and Cinemax, music channels, a digital cable box and a separate DVR. Bumped up my internet speed to 8 MB/s as well. Great experience with Charter Cable. Not usual. Bill’s now at $104.00 (plus tax).

  198. foxx says 04 September 2010 at 10:11

    I tried this same tactic using online chat and it didn’t go so well. Having not gotten anywhere I immediately called them and told them a rate of a competing company and trust me, they do their research!!! I said I would probably switch anyway and then they told me they could give me $5 off each month (obviously not much) but also increase my speed from 12mb to 20mb for free for one year and then I could cancel it at any time. Not bad I think =)

  199. Joe Renzo says 04 October 2010 at 21:07

    My 1 year HD Triple Play Comcast promo expired months ago. Comcast has raised my bill 4 times already with no upgrades for a rebranded joke of Xfinity since it expired. It’s effing ridiculous! I’m now paying close to $200. Comcast is the only game in my area and I don’t want to switch to dish.

    I should have called months ago to lower my bills. I’m even more pissed because over a month ago I got this flyer on the mail from Comcast on an upgrade to Triple Play Xfinity for only $99 with free DVR for 24 months and HBO/Showtime/Starz free for 3 months. And if you step up to HD they give you $150 Visa Prepaid card!! Also I saw a similar promo where the contract is only 1 year but the modem is free! I should have acted sooner maybe they would have done something. Oh well I will give it a try.

  200. Alex Sheppard says 11 October 2010 at 11:52

    I just saved $648 per year! I used the chat method. They just gave me the 800 number to call. I then spoke to a c/s agent. He connected me to an account cancelation person. I said I loved the service (and I do), but I was unable and unwilling to pay $186 per month for tv/internet/phone. I decided to canx my HBO service (-$15), they left my sports package (-$7 mth) on for free for a year, they said I had an additional phone line I was paying for at my house (huh?) that’s another (-$10) savings, and then gave me a promotion for an additional ($-20).
    Less the tax savings… and I save $54 bucks per month! I still think $132 is too much for these services per month, but hey, better than $186 and I think Comcast has the fastest internet – I average 28mbs!
    Good luck to you guys!

  201. mike lane says 09 November 2010 at 08:10

    Called about 8:30 AM. Wait was only 5 minutes.
    Said I needed to lower my bill or downgrade due to tighter budget. Rep immediately offered promo rate for 12 months. With phone modem and one extra box, Triple Play digital starter is down to 106.49 plus tax. Saves about $40 per month!

  202. Sarah says 21 January 2011 at 15:00

    Two things…

    1. I was unable to negotiate over chat because they insisted I call the Loyalty Dept phone number.

    2. When I did call, I said I wanted to cancel because of a better offer from AT&T. The woman didn’t even try to keep me as a customer; she just processed the cancellation. It’s fine because I wanted to switch anyway, but I’m just saying… it’s not so easy.

  203. John says 24 February 2011 at 14:53

    I did the chat thing with them today. Been with comcast for three yrs now. Told them i was lookin to lower my bill or continue to shop around for a lower cost cable co. not much hassle they drop my monthly service to 75 bucks for cable/internet/dvr box/reg cable box. saving 35/month for 12 months. best believe ill be calling back in 10-11 months for another savings. thanks comcast!

  204. Loki Seabrook says 22 April 2011 at 15:50

    All of the people happy with their re negotiated prices with comcast will still have that “screwed” feeling when their “new” price for you has passed its promotion date. In other words, even with lowering the OPs bill to $80, won’t save in the end. Within a year it will be back up to $140. Eventually you will have no way of finding solutions to your problem. Your lucky they didn’t add a promotion that when it expires would make your bill even more than it was before. LOL… Silly comcast customers. Just get the high speed internet for $30 something, and plug your cable directly into the televisions in your home instead of a converter box. The result is I get all of the comcast channels that are below channel 100. It even has more than their basic local cable which runs 20usd to start. So instead of me paying $80 some dollars like they were trying to make me pay a month with promotions on their basic cable package and their 13mbs high speed internet, I only pay 36usd a month. The great thing is I’m doing nothing illegal. The unfortunate thing is that I had to go through comcast to begin with for anything LOL.

    • Shannon says 11 July 2012 at 21:01

      Actually, I do not agree. I confirmed what the price would be after the ‘promo’ or whatever they want to call the changes we just made to my services, and since it was under $5, it didn’t matter to me because I will either find something better in a years time, or renegotiate again. Pays also to print your transcript so you have a point of reference should there a problem in the future or misunderstanding etc. Good luck to all.

  205. NLee says 14 February 2012 at 22:20

    This is excellent advice! I have tried this type of negotiating a couple of times with my credit card company, and it actually worked. I was able to get them to lower my interest rate from 14% per month to 5%. I am really not sure why I haven’t tried to do the same with my cable company. I could certainly use the discount.

    P.S Excellent money saving post. Like David Bach says, you have to “fight” for your money.

  206. eric spires says 18 February 2012 at 07:50

    I copied & pasted most of ur important comments in the comcastsupport chat box…
    I was polite & courteous. I talked about needing to lowering my bill & comparing other service providers 🙂
    My old bill was (Cable: Digital Starter @ $60.98… w/was going up to $64.25 next month). (I upgraded cable to Digital Prefered @ $39.99 for 12mo)…
    (Internet: Performance @ $46.95 + $7.00 modem for $53.95 total) w/used to be ($39.99 – $5.00 “for having the Cable” = $34.99, + $5.00 modem = $39.99 total) for an extra $13.96… “THOSE SHARKS SUCK” (I downgraded internet to Economy @ $14.99 for 12mo + $7.00 for modem).

    Old bill…$120 after taxes…..
    New bill….$65 after taxes…..

    45%+ saving thx for the tips

  207. Jim says 15 March 2012 at 09:19

    Both my wife and I are 70 and 71 years of age living on a fixed income.
    Considering all the costs that we must pay for in order to live, and I need not go through them as every one is aware of what they are.
    At the moment we are paying $70 per month for minimum Comcast TV service. We can no longer afford the free movies on DEMAND and we also lost many of the other channels that my wife enjoyed.
    I can’t understand why Comcast is unable to let us enjoy the movie channels at the same price as it does cost Comcast any more in either way.
    I consider it almost like racketering.

  208. sheila says 17 March 2012 at 11:56

    ive negotiated w/comcast several times & it gets tiring after awhile. uno, i get cable, internet, basic extended cable, tennis channel(which i pay extra 4), dvr(which i pay extra 4), the modem(which i pay extra 4) & it comes out 2 almost 200.00$ a month. i feel because i bundle the rates should be a lot lower than this. also, their constant increases, are bs, while the ceo, makes 8million dollar bonus. that tells me how much they dont care about their loyal, longterm customers (i’ve been w/them 4 ten yrs). i live payck 2 payck & quite frankly w/their rates increasing 2 or 3x a yr, it gets 2b a real bummer. comcast apparently doesnt care about the competition because my bill wouldnt be more than 99.99 a month for everything w/o having 2 negotiate every 6 months.

    • Sara says 18 March 2012 at 05:20

      Sheila, if the competition is half the price of Comcast, why don’t you switch? The only reason Comcast would care about the competition is because they don’t want to lose your business. If they know you’re just going to keep paying whatever they ask, they’d be foolish to lower your bill. Also, just a suggestion, but if you are living paycheck to paycheck, you might want to consider cutting out cable altogether and using that $200/month to start an emergency fund.

  209. Ashley says 12 June 2012 at 15:01

    I just did this and cut my internet bill by more than 50%! Totally works, thanks for putting this up!

  210. Shannon says 11 July 2012 at 20:59

    I too had a similar experience just this evening…It may have taken about an hour (since it was via online chat) but my service increased, my rate reduced, and I secured it with a 1 yr contract that I suggested…so it worked out for me. I’m so sick of the monopoly for cable services so I was very pleased to have the upper hand today in the negotiating of better price and services.

  211. Ellen says 31 July 2012 at 17:46

    Call them and you would’nt believe your savings. Just be honest about your financial situation. Saved $44 per month and didn’t lose a thing.

  212. Gurdeep says 06 August 2012 at 12:43

    True, Never be afraid to ask. I had ATT family plan with 700 minutes and unlimited texting. But then I switched online to unlimited minutes but no texting. My Monthly bill increased by more than $90 than expected for texting only because we thought we are using free imessages service but were being charged for that. After two months I realized I am paying two much for texts and called ATT that My monthly bill increased very much in last two months. The customer service agent was very kind. He enabled again the unlimited texting plan for me in back date and I saved $145. Amazing. I am glad that I called customer service. otherwsie I was just thinking about going online and enable free texting plan myself, which would have reduced my future bills but did not save anything from what i paid extra in last two months

  213. Bryan says 11 September 2012 at 14:09

    I have been a Comcast customer for 12 years and have never paid full price. Over time I have gotten very good at getting the new deal and knowing what the best offers are. If you are in Utah feel free to contact me if you want. I would be glad to tell you what I know 🙂 [email protected].

  214. Ellen Cannon says 01 November 2012 at 12:45

    Thanks. We were having some issues last week, but all of the readers have said it is fine now in all browsers. Did you refresh or clear your cache in IE? Hope that works.

  215. john doe says 06 January 2013 at 09:46

    People you need to realize almost all major coporation’s customer service departments are outsourced through other companies. These workers are trained to work a certain way and if they do exactly as told they will be fired. The computers they use have promotion codes (discounts for what like a new customer would get when signing up for new service). If you talk to them they could offer the promotion discount to your account IF IT’S AN ESCALATION CALL (which means you complain with them about too high costs and that you plan on leaving comcast). It’s a last ditch move to try to keep you as a customer. The CSR agent can add the promotion without no backlash from their supervisor. Now if you are wanting a credit(refund) over some issue, then it usually requires a supervisor to accept it which is a pain in the butt for the CSR if it’s over like 30.00. So if you want to lower your bill, just tell the CSR rep that you are thinking about switching companies unless you can give them a promotion discount or ask to talk to their department that deals with customer who plan on leaving (this department has authority to give discounts more than a CSR rep).

  216. Doug says 21 February 2013 at 17:34

    Unfortunately, my experience with chatting online with Comcast was not so useful. I spent 45 minutes and all they did was try to put me into a lower tier package in order to save $$, which was still $50 more/month than what a new subscriber would pay for the same package. One issue is that I’m not in a Verizon FiOS area, so much like airlines in cities with no competition, they’re not inclined to haggle. Here is the transcript:

    CHAT ID: ######
    Problem: Want to review bill and available packages
    Marjorie > Hello Douglas, Thank you for contacting Comcast Live Chat Support. My name is Marjorie. Please give me one moment to review your information.
    Marjorie > Thank you for contacting Comcast, where we are proud to offer the Comcast Customer Guarantee. I hope your day is going well. How can I help you?
    Douglas > My Issue: Want to review bill and available packages
    Marjorie > I can see here that you would want to check options with lowering bill and available plan.
    Marjorie > We thank you for your time in contacting us for this matter, Douglas. I know your time is important and we want to make sure that this will not cause any inconvenience on your part by providing you a good customer service.
    Marjorie > I will be glad to check on this for you. By the end of this chat I am sure we will have resolved this issue together to your satisfaction.
    Marjorie > To verify account security, may I have the account number please.
    Douglas > OK, great!
    Douglas >########
    Marjorie > Thank you.
    Marjorie > May I have 2-3 minutes please to pull up the account, and thank you.
    Douglas > Sure.
    Marjorie > XFINITY Connect is Comcast’s one-stop shop on the web for keeping in touch with friends and family. Manage your email, voicemail and contacts all from on convenient, powerful and easy-to-use tool. While waiting, why not check it out at
    Douglas > OK, thanks
    Marjorie > Thank you for waiting.
    Marjorie > I am able to pull up the account.
    Marjorie > Checking here, you have the HD Premier triple play bundle at $209.99
    Marjorie > With HDDVR.
    Douglas > Yes
    Marjorie > Since you have the triple play bundle, and chat support have system restrictions with rebundling plans, I would be glad to transfer you to a representative that can help you wiht your options to lower bill, Douglast.
    Marjorie > *Douglas.
    Marjorie > I will now be transferring you now to our sales team for they have the latest plans, rates, offers and availability in your market. Just to set expectation, there might be waiting time depending on the queue waiting on the said department. Before I transfer the chat, do you have billing concerns that I can assist you with?
    Douglas > Yes, just want to check on a few things in my bill, if that’s OK.
    Douglas > Can you tell me what the following charges are:
    Douglas > Modem rental – voice $7.00
    Marjorie > That’s for the equipment connecting your phone and internet services.
    Douglas > Digital Preferred Tier AO
    Douglas > $9.95
    Marjorie > That’s the addional box and outlet charge.
    Douglas > Which additional box? The 2nd box with DVR or the non-digital box for my 3rd TV?
    Marjorie > The 2nd box without DVR.
    Douglas > Because I also see $8.00 for “DVR service”.
    Marjorie > Douglas, DVR is actualy at $17.95 per month.
    Douglas > OK, so that $17.95 is for the extra box that includes the DVR? And then am I also paying a few for the non-HD box?
    Douglas > *fee
    Marjorie > That’s correct.
    Marjorie > Note that only the main box comes free with your plan. And the rest is of monthly rate.
    Douglas > OK.
    Douglas > I think that answers my questions, thanks. You can go ahead and transfer to the sales people.
    Marjorie > You are most welcome.
    Marjorie > Let me transfer you now to the sales team, Douglas.
    Marjorie > Thank you for contacting Comcast! We appreciate your business and value you as a customer.
    Douglas > Thanks, Marjorie.
    Marjorie > Thank you for completing my day. My score will be based in your answer so it means everything to me. Kindly click now the EXIT CHAT button from the top right of your chat page and click on TAKE OUR SURVEY red button. Choose the BILLING RELATED tab to start and complete the survey questions. Thank you very much.
    Marjorie > Please stay connected to the chat for the next available representative.
    Douglas > Will do
    Marjorie > Please wait, while the problem is escalated to another analyst
    Febe > Welcome to Comcast Sales Department! My name is Febe and I really appreciate the time you are taking to contact us. I will be assisting you throughout our conversation until we finish your request.
    Douglas > Hi Febe
    Febe > Hello, Douglas!
    Febe > I can understand here that you would like to inquire about better deals on your service/s, am I correct?
    Douglas > Correct
    Febe > Thank you for confirming.
    Febe > I will be here to assist you on this, please stay on chat with me.
    Douglas > Will do
    Febe > Thank you very much.
    Febe > Please give me 2 minutes as I check some information here in our system.
    Douglas > Sure
    Febe > Thank you for waiting.
    Febe > I see here in your account that you have our HD Premier triple play package, great choice!
    Douglas > Correct
    Febe > Thank you for confirming.
    Douglas > But it has become too expensive and I’ve started shopping around
    Febe > I totally understand that.
    Douglas > I see that new subscribers are paying $159 for the same package and getting a $350 gift card
    Douglas > I pay $209
    Febe > I can understand how you feel about seeing the New customer discount while it’s not anymore available for you. As I checked your account, when you started your services, you did get same New Customer Discount.
    Douglas > I’ve also been looking at Verizon packages and their introductory packages are less than Comcast’s.
    Febe > Doug, totally I do not have options to compete with other providers rate if it is not available in our billing tools. But surely our options are at reasonable cost and we surely guarantee that we have better service compared to our competitors.
    Douglas > So are you saying you can’t do any better for me?
    Febe > W e can offer you a more affordable triple play package with our HD Preferred triple play at $164.95 for 12 months and will be at $184.99 for next 12 months and will be at $204.99 after.
    Febe > Will this be okay with you, Douglas?
    Douglas > I would have the same package now for the lower price?
    Douglas > *same package I have now 🙂
    Febe > This new package will give you lesser channels, this has no premium channels included and the dvr box will cost you $8/month.
    Douglas > That package is being offered to new customers for $119, so I’m still paying $600 more a year for what a new subscriber could get. It’s no deal at all, unfortunately.
    Febe > I totally understand you, Doug.
    Febe > No worries, to get more possible options on your existing services, I can refer your account to our specialists over the phone. You may just give us a call through hotline 1-800-XFINITY (9346489). They’re open from Mondays – Saturdays from 8 am – 7 pm.
    Febe >
    Febe > The only promotions and specials that we have and can process is what is showing and available on our end. I am confident enough that the representative will give you a wider options on the available promotions.
    Douglas > OK.
    Febe > I am glad that I have addressed and knowledgeable enough to help you with your issue today by providing you the information for the completion of your request and make you a HIGHLY SATISFIED customer. Do you have other concerns for today? I will be glad to assist you further.
    Douglas > I hope they can offer something better, otherwise I’ll either have to cut services or just leave Comcast altogether and find some other solutions.
    Febe > I respect that.
    Douglas > You have been helpful, Febe, but sadly, this conversation has not made me a highly satisfied customer. 🙁
    Douglas > I am more like lowly satisfied.
    Febe > Thank you for bringing COMCAST into your new home. Here at Comcast, Customer Satisfaction is important. It has been a pleasure to assist you today. We greatly appreciate your time and patience all throughout the chat. If you need assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us through Live Chat or E-Mail (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week). Comcast also offers great FAQ and Help forums located at to help you solve many issues on your own. You can also reach us at 1-800-XFINITY (1-800-934-6489). Bye for now and take care!
    Douglas > But I’ll give what you suggest a shot.
    Douglas > Thanks.
    Febe > That is great!
    Febe > You are welcome!
    Febe > Bye for now, Douglas!
    Douglas > bye

  217. Steve says 29 March 2013 at 10:28

    As another data point, I tried this today. The promotional period recently ended on Performance Internet and was now costing $64.95/month.

    The only option they gave me was to downgrade my service.

    I had tried calling about 6 months ago and had the same results.

    I have a feeling that you are better able to negotiate if you have a bundle through them.

  218. mandy37 says 04 April 2013 at 09:16

    I always had such headache calling Time Warner so what I did was sign up for this company called BillCutterz. I just sent in my bill and after a couple of questions they saved me $40 a month without loosing my service. It was a lot easier than begging a rep to lower my bill.

  219. Lionel says 04 May 2013 at 01:44

    I got an even bigger savings. I was paying $223/mo and got it knocked down to 162/mo. I called them on the telephone. All of of GE’s advice is good. However I was told to talk directly over the phone. Explain how you are having financial troubles. Tell them some story … nothing crazy … I told them my hours were cut at work from 40/wk to 35/wk … Most important … after explaining your problems say this to the service agent “I called you because I know you will do your very best to help me get the most for a little cost to me. Please help me out here” no matter what be nice and kiss this persons butt. You will have to do this every 12 months because after 1 year the price will just right back up automatically.

  220. sheenz says 10 July 2013 at 19:36

    ME! I decide to cutdown my cable tv and now im worry free on my cable monthly fee. Im happy I find this andriod tv online. I want to share this to you

  221. Cheryl says 09 August 2013 at 13:00

    I also requested a lower rate with Comcast through the chat feature. They agreed…3 months later (after numerous calls from me) they actually gave me the rate they had promised. It was supposed to be for a year. It lasted 3 months at which point I had to call them again to have the situation fixed. It was a royal pain in the %#& and not worth the time I spent. Now we don’t have cable 🙂 and we’re much happier!

  222. b campbell says 09 September 2013 at 15:13

    Tried this. Got no where. Same price not discount. When technology allows me to change, I will no longer be a Comcast customer.

  223. Lisa says 28 October 2013 at 06:23

    Just be aware that with cable and wireless companies, any change to you services, up or downgrade, may extend or replace your current contract. That could mean unexpected early termination penalties later on. VERIFY that the change will NOT affect your contract end date.

  224. Allen Rohner says 01 November 2013 at 11:55

    Comcast today(11’2013)requires an encrypted digital adapter on every tv, providing to me three free, and 50 cents per tv thereafter. After two years they all go up to 50 cents ea/mo. Didn’t the U.S. Supreme Court rule in 1984 that the cable companies cannot charge us per tv/outlet? Isn’t this just what they are now doing?…charging us for each TV, in this slim disguise and hiding it under their right to protect their product from theft. BTW, isn’t it theft for them to require that I provide the electricity to protect them from anyone stealing their signal. So that I don’t steal from them they steal from me…doesn’t seem fair…

  225. Ry says 19 December 2013 at 18:56

    Well – it did not work for me. Apparently I am on a 12 month promotion for my Internet. It’s $29.99 for 6 months, then $49.99 for 6 months, then $64.99 until they decide to randomly increase it, I guess. I did find out that I am on the most expensive Internet plan, though, when I was told by the lying salesman it was the basic Internet plan.

  226. Ry says 19 December 2013 at 18:58

    I forgot to add to my post – the reason it did not work was the customer service rep said he couldn’t add a promotion since the $50/month (which is a $20/month increase to what I WAS paying) is a promotion in and of itself!

    I’m sure a manager could add that promotion, but the customer service rep couldn’t even when I said I’d need to cancel Comcast.

    I can’t wait until Google Fiber comes out and smokes these fools with (literally!) 1000 MBPS download speeds for $80/month. Comcast is offering 3 MBPS for $40/month. Ridiculous.

    • Ron Ablang says 20 December 2013 at 05:53

      You’re lucky. I’m locked in for $55/month total for 3 mbits internet + basic basic cable TV (no channels worth watching).

  227. Michael says 20 January 2014 at 12:04

    I just wanted to say THANK YOU for this article and post about haggling with the cable company. I just did exactly what you suggested and got $70 off my bill without making any changes to my package (except an upgrade of internet service). I will keep this all in mind for my next round.

  228. Bill Moisson says 23 January 2014 at 12:41

    Meredith…if your cable bill is $80 bucks, don’t mess with it. Take it from a two year contract customer that is sooooo buried in fees and Comcast extras. Keep it simple silly (KISS).

  229. Chia says 02 March 2014 at 13:21

    I pay $165 for just internet & TV (mid-range package). I tried the on-line chat thing you suggested but I was told that the service rep did not have the authority to change my package or discuss lowering my bill; that the deal I already have is the “standard” and that’s all he was able to tell me. He said I would have to call them during the week during the day (while I am at my office).

  230. joyce eveland says 12 June 2014 at 18:47


  231. nam long says 14 June 2014 at 16:08

    haha, I’m laughing at the chat … ISP made you felt you’re privileged (to have lower bill). But internet is the right. You’re gonna beg them again every 6 months/12 months to “lower” the bill. Pathetic.
    … need to stop ISP monopoly in US.

  232. AJ says 04 July 2014 at 11:22

    Here’s my conversation with comcast chat on July 4, 2014. I got my bill down to $79.99 Prfererred Double Play with HBO, Streampix, DVR, and HD Service for 6 months.

    Follow conversation below for the deal:

    Jennifer: Adam, as what I can see here on my end your promo has already roll off.

    ADAM_: ok. I’m happy with the service I’m getting. Can I get the same service and price?

    ADAM_: a rate hike is unreasonable because comcast is offering new customers the same package i have for 79.99 with a two year contract.

    Jennifer: We do apologize, Adam that once the promotion expires you cannot take advantage of another promotion for the same line of service. Promotions are intended as an incentive to allow new customers to experience the Comcast service for the first time and not intended as life long service reductions.

    ADAM_: i question the practice of treating new customers better than loyal customers. i’ve been with comcast for 5 years. i should at least be treated as well as new customers.

    Jennifer: It is our deepest hope that once the value of the Comcast service is experienced, the services that other companies offer will be less desirable. We feel the value of the Comcast service at the normal price out paces other companies by far and thank you for using the Comcast service.

    ADAM_: ok. so can you lower my bill to the new customer rate?

    Jennifer: I will look for availabe promos on your account Adam.

    Jennifer: Thank you for your patience.

    Jennifer: Just to set proper expectation promo rate for current customers are different from the promo rate for new customers.

    ADAM_: that’s not a reasonable expectation. in fact, it’s unreasonable

    Jennifer: Rest assured that I will do my best to check the best promo rate for your account.

    Jennifer: Thank you for patiently waiting.

    ADAM_: you’re welcome

    Jennifer: Adam, your current monthly rate is $180.28 and as I can see you are subscribed to Xfinity Preferred double play, correct?

    ADAM_: no. next month’s bill is $151.41. It used to be $118.72.

    ADAM_: For a year, it was $118.72

    Jennifer: Yes Adam but it will roll off to $180.28 on the next billing cycle.

    ADAM_: this is taking a long time to come up with options. sorry to be blunt. is there a manager i can chat with?

    Jennifer: I can offer you the triple package for $119 per month.

    ADAM_: Thanks, but i don’t need the triple package.

    ADAM_: I would prefer to have my current package at the same rate you’re offering to new customers.

    ADAM_: $79.99 plus $10 for dvr. 89.99.

    Jennifer: I really do apologize for that Adam but the promotions for the new customers are not available for current subscribers.

    ADAM_: Can I please chat with someone who will treat a loyal customer of 5 years just like they would treat a new customer?

    Jennifer: I really do apologize for that Adam. I understand that you are a loyal custoner of Comcast and I really appreciate that.

    ADAM_: If you appreciate that, then please offer me a better deal.

    ADAM_: or please let me chat with a manager.

    Jennifer: Adam I can actually check other offer for you.

    Jennifer: May I know the service that you are using the most Adam?

    ADAM_: I am using my current package. the preferred sf double play.

    ADAM_: the same package you’re offering to new customers – with HBO – for 79.99.

    Jennifer: Adam, the offer that you are seeing is for new customers adding services for the first time.

    ADAM_: Can I please chat with someone who will treat a loyal customer of 5 years just like they would treat a new customer?

    Jennifer: I do apologize if I wasn’t able to get you what you want, I have checked on all possible options for you that would fit your budget, but I don’t want us to stop there.

    Jennifer: I would really want to help you so, I can point you to the right direction wherein they can check on other options wherein you can save money from your current services. You can call 1-888-739-1379 with Assist hours: Monday Friday: 8AM to 9PM & Saturday: 8AM to 1PM. That is for the customer solutions, they would be the ones that might be able to get you something.

    Jennifer: You can retain the same services but will be able to get it at a lesser price.

    Jennifer: I’m sure you won’t regret calling. I do believe that as one of our valued customer it is highly important that you are provided of all the best promotional rate that we offer in your area, so I initiated an initial request for you on this chat to our Customer Solutions department to check list of promotional rates that you can choose by which you will be able to get the best value for your money.

    Jennifer: For your convenience and to prevent you from repeating yourself, call the number and tell the next representative to refer on the notation left in your account to have it processed right away.

    ADAM_: I will. I’m calling now.

    Jennifer: Awesome!

    Jennifer: Rest assured that everything will be taken care of and considerably resolved. I want to make sure that by the end of this chat we are able to resolve our concern and I am able to deliver highly satisfied customer service that you truly deserve.

    Jennifer: Is there anything else I can help you with today?

    ADAM_: No thanks. Have a nice 4th of July

    Jennifer: Happy 4th of July too.

    Jennifer: If you again need assistance in the future, please do not hesitate to contact us through Live Chat which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or you can also reach us through our Hotline 1-888-739-1379. Comcast also offers great FAQ and Help forums located at to help you solve many issues on your own. You can also answer the 11 questions feedback survey after you exit the chat. Don’t forget, you can watch full TV shows and movies online, check out for more information. Thank you for contacting Comcast! We appreciate your business!

    Jennifer: Good bye for now. Take care!

    The analyst has left and your issue has been closed.

  233. Kyle says 09 July 2014 at 09:57

    Just tried this out.. got my $59.99 basic cable w/ 3 MBPS internet upgraded to $59.99 basic cable w/ HBO and 50 MBPS internet. Thanks!

  234. Kimberly says 14 August 2014 at 13:15

    Thank you for posting this! I did this via chat for the first time, before I would call on the phone for reductions. Last time I called on the phone they would only offer to reduce my service so I could pay less. Now I will be saving $550 over 2 years for HD TV and internet!

  235. VLaw says 28 October 2014 at 14:07

    All I have ever done for the 6 years I have had Comcast is call them & tell them that my promotion just ended & I would like another promotion. I have always been able to pay right around the same price for the same services I have always had.

  236. judith says 28 October 2014 at 14:27

    GOOD LUCK COMCAST WD. N9T Lower my bill 150.oo month triple play I did not use the phone, i have free wifi. Yes they sd 118 mo. For tv only what? I cancelled it totally i did not qualify for the special for 53.oo a month BECAUSE i was a customer. I am no longer a customer

  237. TINA says 09 November 2014 at 22:59

    We finally did away with Comcast. We had to downgrade our service and we were told that with tv/internet, our bill would be $63.00 a month. We received our new bill, and it was $103.00. First, we should have gotten a credit for $40.00 dollars as we downgraded before our next bill was even put up.
    When we called, they gave some run around and said they would credit us the $40 from the $103.!!!
    Really??? Our credit should have been from the $63.00.
    Then we were told our bill would actually be $72.00 a month because of rental. This is not what we were told before.
    So, we received our next bill, and it was $96.00~!!!

    That did it. We canceled Comcast, at the office, not over the phone. We brought our boxes and made sure we received a receipt for each one.
    We now use ATT for our wireless and we bought a ROKU for NETFLIX, HULUPLUS and other movie/tv channels. And we have an antennae for our local stations.
    All is good 🙂

  238. Mike says 31 March 2015 at 04:21

    I have AT&T Uverse and was able to negotiate a $40 a month drop in my combined TV and internet service. That was a 35% drop in my bill. Actually the savings were much greater than that because they threw in a lot of paid channels I didn’t have like Cinemax, HBO and a few others and bumped me up to 450 channels from 300 channels and gave me credit on my DVR monthly fees. This pricing remains in effect for a whole year! They always have special offers going on for existing customers so in a year from now I will re-evaluate and see what makes sense for us. I told them I was looking to cut costs and was seriously looking for cheaper alternatives like getting ROKU (which I was). So bottom line is before cutting the cord so to speak, ask them what they can do to cut your costs. Let them know that you’re ready and willing to jump ship and looking for alternatives to cut costs. Always be very friendly and courteous and remember you have the leverage and the upper hand leaving you in a very strong bargaining position.

  239. mari says 26 May 2015 at 08:21

    What is the cost now for internet and cable with premier channels?

  240. Doris says 08 October 2015 at 08:14

    My bill its really high went ú talk to the custumer support they are so mean.. Oh well comcast its sucks period…

  241. Frances says 25 April 2016 at 17:13

    My husband called and we had no luck. Comcast had a monopoly in our area and they know it.

  242. Katelyn says 21 September 2016 at 10:33

    I switched from Comcast to CenturyLink a couple of years back and I would recommend them to anyone in their service area. I signed up with a new customer deal, and 12 months into my service when the original deal expired, I received a notice in the mail saying they are offering me the same deal for another 12 months for being a good customer. I didn’t even have to call in to activate it!

  243. Centsai says 28 September 2016 at 19:44

    This is one of the easiest and quickest ways to save some money! There are so many cable alternatives that can save a good chunk of money each month. It seems that most people actually prefer these alternatives instead of cable.

  244. angela says 22 January 2017 at 21:36

    I have a million chats & recordings of phone sessions with comcast over the years. No matter how many areas I am SURE to ask about (hidden / surprise fees), I always have a problem. When I present my documented information, they say “I am sorry someone said that, they did not have permission to give you that rate”…etc etc forever… my bill is now about $200. I do NOT need all these premier channels and I do not need or use a landline.

  245. DEBBIE DARLING AND JASON says 09 May 2017 at 18:56

    my nightmare started with Comcast in 2014 I worked the numbers if I had not worked the numbers I would not be complaining. I have read many people ARE VERY UNHAPPY with Comcast and it seems like there is nothing WE THE PEOPLE CAN DO ABOUT EXCEPT THROW ARE MONEY AWAY. I have done exactly what the 5 steps suggested and got NOWHERE. But I will share incident that happened to me at COMCAST. Fri I went into location on Lake Robbins road in the Woodlands had a BILL COMCAST PRINTED UP ON THEIR VERY ON COMPUTER AND the bill was $216.00 the MANAGER came up and said I owe more money I SHOWED HER THE BILL AND STATED THE BILL YOU COMCAST PRINTED UP ON YOUR VERY OWN COMPUTER STATED I OWED $216.00 AND THE MANAGER PROCEEDED TO AND MORE FEES AND WHATEVER ELSE THERE WAS SO MY BILL WHEN I WALKED OUT IN TEARS WAS $400.00 AND NOONE AT THAT LOCATION ASKED IF THEY COULD HELP ME COMCAST ACTED LIKE THEY DID NOTHING WRONG. HOW IS IT OK TO HAVE A CUSTOMER WALK OUT IN TEARS I JUST WANT OTHER PEOPLE TO GET THE HELP I AM LOOKING FOR

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