Walkability score: The joys of a walkable neighborhood

Over the weekend, Kim and I began our hunt for a new home. We spent several hours combing local listings on Zillow and Redfin. We flagged the homes that looked interesting to us. Because I’m a total nerd, I compiled a spreadsheet of our absolute faves, listing important stats like price, home size, lot size, and — perhaps most important of all — walk score.

Househunting Spreadsheet

In the olden days, I picked my homes based on emotion. When my ex-wife and I bought our old farmhouse in 2004, that decision was rushed and irrational. I liked the idea of the place. I liked the large yard (two-thirds of an acre close in to Portland), the hundred-year-old house, and the cute hobbit-hole window in the living room. I didn’t consider the massive amount of lawnmowing and yardwork. And I didn’t pay attention to the fact that I’d have to drive almost anywhere I wanted to go.

A Driver’s Life

When Kris and I moved into that drafty old house, we did a lot of driving. At the time, I was still working for the family box factory. Every morning, I spent half an hour driving twenty miles to work. Every evening, I did the reverse commute. We drove to buy groceries. We drove to visit friends. We drove to go out to dinner. I did go for walks through the neighborhood, but those were leisurely strolls without any particular purpose.

After I chose to become a money boss, I paid closer attention to my transportation costs. I looked for ways to drive less and walk more. At the time, I found that 90% of my driving was to the following locations:

  • The gym, which was 8.5 miles (20 minutes) from home. It took 40 minutes to get there via a 2.5-mile pedestrian trail (which required illegally crossing a railroad bridge). I could bike the 8.5-mile route in 40 minutes.
  • The nearest town, which was three miles (ten minutes of driving) from the house. It took 48 minutes to make the walk and 18 minutes to bike.
  • The grocery store, which was one mile (five minutes driving) from home. Walking took me 15 minutes; biking took me six.
  • Downtown Portland, which was ten miles (20 minutes) from home. Walking took three hours (I timed it once!), but biking took just 45 minutes.

Based on these times and distances, I changed my habits. I still drove to Portland most of the time, and I often drove to the nearby town. But since it took no longer than driving, I started biking to the grocery store. And when I had time — which was almost always — I walked to the gym instead of biking or driving. (Every time I crossed that railroad bridge, I thought of Stand By Me!)

A Walker’s Life

After my divorce, I lived for a year in an apartment close to downtown Portland. The experience was a revelation. I’d always appreciated walking, but now it became clear that it was vital that I lived in a walkable neighborhood. I loved everything about being able to do my errands by foot (or by bike).

When I bought the condo where Kim and I currently live, I chose it because it was close to a vibrant neighborhood filled with restaurants and shops. There were parks nearby. Best of all, it sits directly on the multi-use path that allows Portlanders to bike and walk wherever they want to go.

Compared to the house where Kris and I lived, walking and biking are easy here.

  • My gym is a 3.9-mile drive from home, which takes 12 minutes to drive without traffic. But when I go to the gym, I do so during rush hour, so it takes 17 minutes to drive. Via the multi-use path, it’s only 3.4 miles to the gym, which takes an hour to walk or 17 minutes to bike. (That’s right. During rush hour, it’s just as quick to bike to the gym as it is to drive!)

Transportation Case Study

  • The nearest neighborhood is a 0.6-mile drive (four minutes) from home. It takes ten minutes to walk that distance and five to bike it.
  • My current grocery store is a half-mile drive (four minutes) from home. It takes ten minutes to walk that distance and five to bike it.
  • Downtown Portland is now five miles (12 minutes during non-peak traffic) from our house. It’s 4.5 miles away via the multi-use path, which takes 25 minutes to bike and nearly 90 minutes to walk.

Last month, I rented office space about 1.5 miles from our condo. Naturally, I’ve spent the past few weeks clocking how long it takes me to cover that distance via different modes of transportation.

Most of the time, I walk to the office. That takes me exactly 30 minutes if I’m alone; it takes me 40-45 minutes when I’m accompanied by a certain hound dog. If I jog to work, I can cut that time in half; it takes only 15 minutes. It takes about 12 minutes to bike to the office now. Driving requires anywhere from eight to ten minutes, depending on traffic. (Last Thursday, though, it took 18 minutes to drive to work. Traffic was terrible.) Based on this data, it seems like biking and jogging are my best options.

When Walking Doesn’t Work

Over the past decade, I’ve become a huge fan of walking, and I’m not afraid to trumpet its many benefits. It’ll help you cut your transportation costs, sure, but it’s also an investment in your health — both mental and physical. Walking is a great way to meet your neighbors and to get a better feel for the world around you.

But walking and biking aren’t for everyone. I get that. Many cities aren’t as bike- and pedestrian-friendly as Portland. If you live on a farm in the country, walking to the grocery store isn’t an option. Plus, there are some places where it’s too hot (or too cold) to make walking or biking practical.

In the middle of our cross-country RV trip, Kim and I paused for six months in Savannah, Georgia. I learned quickly that the South is actively hostile toward pedestrians and cyclists. There are few sidewalks and zero bike lanes. It’s not just that there’s no infrastructure for these activities, but nobody respects walkers and bikers. Kim and I probably had a dozen close calls each while walking around Savannah. (She once stopped a police officer to talk about the problem. He shrugged off her concerns. “Don’t walk then. Cars will crush you.”)

Still, we made it work. Although there were no sidewalks, we found ways to skirt fences and cut through neighborhoods so that we could walk to get groceries. (What ought to have been a half-mile walk turned into almost two, but whatever.)

Looking Ahead

Now, as Kim and I seek to find a place that she and I can build a future together, I keep coming back to walkability. If we’re going to live in town, I want a place where I can walk for most of my errands: groceries, mail, pubs, books, and so on. (There’s a chance we’ll choose to buy a place in the country; if that happens, I realize I’d sacrifice walkability. But I’d gain other advantages that would balance the loss.)

Yesterday, we looked at a nice place in a nearby suburb. It had everything we’re looking for in a home — except that it was car-dependent. (Its walk score was 14, which is basically like living in the middle of nowhere.) We looked at another place that backed up on a large park — perfect for the hound dog! — but only had a walk score of 31. There’s almost no way I can see myself putting up with the hassles of city living if I don’t get one of the best benefits: the ability to walk and bike for errands (and for fun).

Calculating transportation overhead is an ideal job for you as a money boss. Commit to spending a month (or three) tracking how you use your vehicle and what it costs. Keep a cheap spiral notebook and a pen in your car (or take notes on your cell phone). Whenever you make a trip, log the time and the distance. Write down how much you spend on fuel and maintenance.

Meanwhile, also take the time to measure how long it takes you to bike or walk or take the bus to common nearby destinations. When you’ve finished the experiment, look at the numbers. Can you spot any patterns? When does it make sense to drive? When does it make sense to walk or take the bus? Here’s a final question: If you were to sell your car (or cars), how much would you get?

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There are 14 comments to "Walkability score: The joys of a walkable neighborhood".

  1. Emily C says 11 April 2017 at 08:00

    Your comment about the South makes me burn inside because it’s true and it’s a pain in the rear.

    We’re relocating soon; currently I can walk to a few places but many more I cannot because there are no sidewalks and drivers are hostile. The new city seems to have no sidewalks anywhere near the new job and it’s making me angry. Do I have to drive to work everyday so I can live somewhere with sidewalks?!? Terrible. American infrastructure is sometimes so ridiculously terrible.

  2. Jeff A. says 11 April 2017 at 08:43

    Hi JD,

    I understand home buying is a very personal process, so thank you for sharing your thoughts about how you’re approaching the process. One thing I can’t help but notice and wonder is regarding the size of the homes on your spreadsheet: they are huge spaces for two people and a dog!

    I know you still do battle in the “War on Stuff,” but I wonder if you could write a post or talk about the size consideration. It seems that a smaller home would help (a) financially (all things being equal, a smaller home is less expensive), (b) would be more likely to be found in a walkable neighborhood, and (c) would be more consistent with your overall approach to focusing on experiences over things.

    My girlfriend and I (and our dog) bought a home last year that was under 1,000 sq ft (928, to be exact), and we’re so happy we did! It’s not a “tiny house” in the extreme style that’s popular in certain minimalism circles right now, but it’s also helping us control costs and be consistent with the lifestyle we’re both after.

    Thanks again for sharing, hope to hear any thoughts you have

    • J.D. says 11 April 2017 at 08:49

      You’re absolutely right, Jeff! I think the houses we’ve looked at are too big too. The real issue is that there don’t seem to be any small homes on the market, at least not where we’re looking. One of the places we saw on Sunday — the one we liked most, actually — was really 824 square feet, which seemed a good size. The real-estate agent listed it as 1600+ square feet though in order to make it more marketable (counting the unfinished basement in the square footage). Had a fun conversation last night with a couple that was in town for a tiny house conference. That may end up being my post for tomorrow. We’ll see…

  3. Eileen says 11 April 2017 at 10:08

    Wow — this seems sudden (at least from this reader). I realize this post was focusing on walkability, but I’d be curious to read (at some point) about the other factors in weighing out a move. A house introduces maintenance that you don’t currently deal with. A place in the country eliminates quick walks/rides/drives to grab a dinner/drink in a social setting. Etc…

    Would you consider renting your place and then renting a place in the ‘burbs to test out your thoughts about making such a change?

    • J.D. says 11 April 2017 at 10:14

      From our end, this isn’t too sudden. Part of the RV trip was exploring the idea of moving to another state. In the end, we realized that we’re too West Coast to leave. We value the culture here too much. But after we returned and settled down, I spent some time exploring the idea of relocating to a home in our neighborhood. (I toured a few places in early February.) Kim wasn’t keen on the idea, though, so I moved on. Recently, however, she’s decided she too wants to explore what’s out there to see if it might make sense to move.

      You’re absolutely right that there are drawbacks to any sort of move, and we realize that. We’re talking these through as we toy with the idea…

      • Eileen says 11 April 2017 at 10:35

        Thanks for replying. I look forward to how you’ll approach this, both from the financial and psychological/emotional side. As always, thanks for sharing!

        BTW, I live in the burbs of Raleigh, NC. We’re almost at empty nest status (last one away at college), and it wasn’t until I was no longer carting kids around & working mostly remote at home, that I realized just how walk-able my area is. We can walk to more than a dozen eateries (range of types), a bottle shop/bar, the bank, a gym (though we belong to a Y that’s a few miles further so biking/driving there makes more sense), grocery stores, seasonal produce stand, etc.. I realized a few years ago that I could walk to the library pretty easily by cutting thru a county park/greenway and 2 neighborhoods. The drive to the library is so round-a-bout, it wasn’t until I used google maps to determine the way to go on foot/bike and found it’s only about 3 miles.

        So, while not all ‘burbs in Raleigh are like this (and many are not), there are those that actually are. And it’s strange, because while we’ve always had the idea of moving to the NC Mtns or foothills in retirement, we are realizing how much we enjoy “getting out” to what the developed area offers.

        Looking forward to the updates on this! Good luck!

        • Karol Gajda says 13 April 2017 at 06:05

          Hey Eileen!

          “… while not all ‘burbs in Raleigh are like this (and many are not) …”

          My wife and I just moved to the ‘burbs of Raleigh! 🙂 We moved within a 3 minute walk of my wife’s office, which was our main priority, but there is not much else within walking distance. The closest grocery store is 1.5 miles and it’s along a major road that is not a pleasant walk. That said, we actually quite like it around here. (Umstead State Park and Lake Crabtree, which we go to most Saturdays and Sundays, are a 5-10 minute drive.) I generally hate the suburbs, and we moved from living carless in a beautiful downtown in Europe, so I’m surprised by how much we like it here.

          Anyway, nice work on finding a place around here that is so walkable. I know there are a few, but as you mentioned, many are not. Here’s to hoping they build that elevated RTP to Raleigh bike route along I-40. 🙂


  4. Christy says 11 April 2017 at 13:22

    Corvallis, OR is both walkable and bike-friendly:)

  5. Laura says 11 April 2017 at 17:30

    Good luck! Although I do question the walk/etc. scores for the Schiller location. It’s close to transit, 3 grocery stores w/in walking distance and several restaurants and a library

  6. Bruce says 14 April 2017 at 00:47

    My wife and I downsized (semi-retired) 4 years ago. We chose a small ranch (1400 sq. ft.) with an unfinished basement (which we finished, last summer), in a biker/walker friendly suburb of a medium sized Midwest city. We also have access to the bus line for the first time.

    By walking, biking and occasionally using the bus, we were able to get rid of our 2nd car. That saves about $400 a month (maint., depreciation, gas, insurance). We are also saving about $400 a month on housing costs (smaller mortgage, lower taxes, utilities).

    We now walk/bike to restaurants, the library, post office, etc. The $800 a month savings allowed us to semi-retire (still working a PT “hobby job”).

    If you are thinking of relocating anyway, why not go the extra “step” to find walk/bike friendly areas? The savings and health benefits can be huge.

  7. Joe says 17 April 2017 at 14:18

    Hey, want to buy our rental house? 🙂
    It’s at NW 21st. Very walkable.

  8. Kevin Klinkenberg says 24 April 2017 at 08:42

    JD – would you mind if I reposted this on my blog? I write about urban design, with a specific focus on the joys of living in walkable places. I’d like to post more of this type of writing that relates people’s personal stories.

    • J.D. says 25 April 2017 at 07:06

      Sure, go ahead! Just link back to Money Boss…

  9. The Foxy Dad says 24 April 2017 at 22:21

    St. John’s for the win!

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