{"id":63112,"date":"2011-01-18T04:00:10","date_gmt":"2011-01-18T11:00:10","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/getrichslowly.org\/blog\/?p=63112"},"modified":"2020-12-12T18:29:56","modified_gmt":"2020-12-13T02:29:56","slug":"caring-for-aging-parents","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.getrichslowly.org\/caring-for-aging-parents\/","title":{"rendered":"Caring for aging parents"},"content":{"rendered":"

As more of my friends enter middle age, they’re talking less about how to care for their kids and more about how to care for their parents. Our mothers and fathers are nearing (and, in some cases, surpassing) seventy years of age, and not all of them are financially prepared.<\/p>\n

A GRS reader named Shauna recently wrote with a typical scenario:<\/p>\n

My husband and I are in our early thirties and finally getting our finances in order after years of piling up debt. We both have parents who were never particularly good with money, and they’ve entered their early retirement years with no savings or assets to speak of \u2014 no houses, no savings, no emergency fund. We’re looking down the road, and realizing that we will probably be financially responsible<\/a> for all of them at some point in the not too distant future. Do you have any advice for us?<\/p><\/blockquote>\n

Actually, I don’t have any advice for Shauna. Why not? Because I’m in a similar position, and I have similar questions.<\/p>\n

<\/span>Close to Home<\/span><\/h2>\n

In the past, I’ve hinted at my mother’s ongoing health problems, but I’ve been coy about their precise nature. I want to respect her privacy. At the same time, she faces very real issues that have equally real implications for her personal finances, and for the finances of her three children.<\/p>\n

My mother is 62 years old. For fifteen years, she’s wrestled with severe mental illness (which makes her uncomfortable interacting with the outside world), as well as a host of chronic physical ailments. Every day, she takes a finely-tuned cocktail of over a dozen prescription medications to help her cope with these problems.<\/p>\n

I’ve mentioned a couple of Mom’s health crises in the past, because whenever a severe mental or physical problem occurs, it disrupts my ability to work. For example, I spent much of the past week helping Mom after a minor surgery during which her normal drug regimen was interrupted, causing her to descend into confusion.<\/p>\n

I drove Mom to the hospital, saw her after surgery, bought her groceries when she returned home, and have been dropping in to be sure she’s okay. Last night, Kris and I delivered dinner to her.<\/p>\n

I find all of this stressful. Whenever Mom has an acute crisis, it doesn’t just affect her \u2014 it affects me, too. I do my best to help her, but I feel like I’m just not very good at it. I don’t know how to reach her, how to help her, how to let her know I love her.<\/p>\n

Note:<\/b><\/i> In some circles, mental illness is a taboo topic. Just as many folks consider it gauche to talk about money, some think it’s best to keep discussions of mental health out of the public arena. That’s too bad. It doesn’t help anyone to hide these problems. It’s only through sharing our experiences honestly that we can learn to cope effectively with these situations.<\/div>\n

<\/span>Facing Reality<\/span><\/h2>\n

My family has talked a little about what Mom will do in the future, but not seriously. Plus, we’ve mostly been re-<\/i>active instead of pro-<\/i> active; we deal with trouble when it arrives instead of before it happens. Now, though, I think we’re beginning to realize that we need a plan.<\/p>\n

As a family, we need to decide what is best for Mom, both now and five years from now. And we need to juggle the following factors:<\/p>\n