Tips to Spend Less Money

If you need tips to spend less money, you’ve come to the right judgment-free zone. I feel like I should introduce myself. “Hello. My name is Elissa, and I am an unconscious spender.”
(“Hello, Elissa.”)
“I give myself a $200 allowance every two weeks, but when the cash is gone, I use the credit card or hit the ATM. A hundred here, a hundred there. I feel like that Fast Cash $60 button is a slot machine in a casino!”
I am an impulse buyer from way back. I have a shoe addiction. I love nail polish. Also, position something strategically by the cash register with a cute sign, and I’ll buy it. How many lip balms does one woman need? And lattes! Don’t even get me started about lattes.
But I am not alone. In fact, the “Latte Factor” is an actual thing. Best-selling financial author David Bach coined the term to symbolize the high cost of small, periodic spending. Bach has gotten rich writing books bought by people like me (were they positioned strategically by the cash register?), as have many others, including Dave Ramsey, Suze Orman, and Napoleon Hill.
It’s a multi-gazillion-dollar industry. Type ‘saving money’ in Amazon’s search bar and you get 69,286 results. “Pinch Like You Mean It! 101 Ways to Spend Less Money Now”, “Saving Money: The 40 Tip Cheat Sheet for Peace of Mind, Effective Budgeting and Financial Success”, “Living Well Spending Less: 12 Secrets of the Good Life.” And on and on.

The struggle is real

But I wanted more than just me, so as all good journalists do these days, I turned to Facebook. Friends, I posted, are you an unconscious spender?
~ I can’t go to Walmart without buying a shirt. I’ve tried to resist, but those tees, those colors, those red discount labels. How can you resist a $5 shirt?
~ I am a big sucker. I go to Whole Foods for a few fruits and veggies and come home with a grow-it-at-home mushroom kit. I go to Bed, Bath and Beyond and lord help me if there is the “as seen on TV” section – although the dozen sham wows are amazing! And if GMA deals and steals are on, watch out ( great prices for a lot of stuff I don’t need).
~ Dishes call my name. Katie…woohoo…over here. You don’t have a festive set for the 4th of July (or Labor Day) or Mardi Gras). When we down sized to move to Florida we had 15 sets of dishes. We are down to 5 (I snuck a set in the boxes). I have to stay away from Pottery Barn because as soon as I walk through the door I hear them calling.
~ I go (to any store) with a list in my mind. My intentions are to get what I need. Then before I even get to the register somehow and without no explanation I’ve become a ‘MAGNET’…….yes a magnet. I have things that I don’t even remember picking up and I’m paying for them.
There’s certainly comfort in company! I decided as the first step in figuring out this flow from wallet to world was to keep a diary, a money diary, to track my spending for a week and then begin to assess and (possibly) take action.
Related: The Benefits of Paying Yourself First
Here’s the rub — as soon as I was conscious of my unconscious spending, I wasn’t spending! Or maybe I just wasn’t out and about. One strategy I have long held is called DON’T GO IN THERE. It applies primarily to Target and DSW. If you don’t go into DSW, you can’t come out with 4 pairs of adorable new shoes (which technically you saved money on because of all your points). So I’m not sure how accurate the diary is, because I was actually paying attention.
And some of the spending isn’t unconscious, it’s just the result of bad planning. Specifically I am addressing the use of the credit card, or as I like to call it OH MY GOD I AM OUT OF CASH. I had several cases of that during the week, including my daughter’s prom hairdo and my brother’s birthday present. If I had planned better, or let’s be honest if I had planned at all, I would not have needed the credit card for those two moments.
Quick sidebar: I’m not saying I use a credit card to build up debt. That’s always a bad idea. Rather, this is about reaching for the credit card when you go over your pre-planned budget of cash for discretionary items. Also bad.

Let’s add it all up

My total ‘unplanned’ (since I was conscious of it) spending for the week was $85.91. This included:

  • An iced tea/lemonade at Starbucks because I drove by Starbucks when it was warm out,
  • A curry rice bowl for lunch because I was walking down the sidewalk and the aroma coming from inside the restaurant literally pulled me inside,
  • 4 packs of gum because they were on sale at the CVS checkout,
  • 3 eye pencils because I walked down that aisle of CVS on the way to pick up a prescription,
  • 2 jars of facial moisturizer because I had a coupon but when I got there the buy-2-get-one free deal was ‘better’,
  • 2 half gallons of Friendly’s ice cream at the Big Y because they were $1.98 each and they are usually $6.99,
  • A pair of earrings, jar of local honey and a reusable sandwich wrapper at the store where I work because I went to buy my mother a gift and saw these things for myself.

Spending that went on the credit card because I did not think ahead included:

  • My brother’s birthday present, because I remembered his birthday the morning of his birthday ($26.90 included shipping)
  • My daughter’s prom hair because she decided the day before prom she wanted prom hair and I had to scramble to find a place that wasn’t booked ($75 plus $10 tip)
  • 1.75L bottle of Jose Cuervo margaritas because friends were coming for the weekend and I forgot we were out of booze ($20.20).

There is hope … and help

We also asked the unconscious spending question on the Get Rich Slowly Facebook page, and there was a lively discussion about the benefits of zero-based budgeting, in which you budget and track every dollar. But, wrote one fan, “tracking (is) only half the action. Once we started paying attention to where our money was going it allowed us to assess the value of those things. Eating out was probably the biggest eye opener.” (Sigh. I am famous for my Thursday night shout, “Who wants to eat out?”)
On my own Facebook, friends weighed in with their strategies that either keep them on the straight and narrow or helped them break bad habits.
~ As an environmentalist, I find it easier and easier to only buy what I need, while aiming for long-lasting quality products. The transition was difficult, and now it’s nice spending on experiences rather than things. It’s also nice not having to store/manage so many things.
~ We tried something that really worked: discretionary purchases (shoes, loaf pan, camera accessory, notebook, etc) are only allowed the first week of the month. It was surprisingly liberating. For three weeks a month, (other than food/gas/fees) I didn’t have to make any decisions about whether something was useful, could be useful, was something we needed, etc. And it really saved thousands of dollars over the months.
~ We live within a budget but I budget for fun as well. As I’m getting older, I enjoy experiences more than material things.
~ I started using Excel spreadsheets and saw how quickly savings add up. We’re buying a new house and I’ve started doing it again. Starbucks misses me, I’m sure.
And of course, there’s an app for that! One friend recommended Mint, which is highly rated. There are others, all of which compile all your information and then, I don’t know, zap you with electricity when you overspend. Not really, but sometimes it seems like that’s what it will take. Now firmly in middle age, I look back at all the money I did not save in my youth and I think … I could buy a lot of adorable shoes with all that cash! NO! STOP!
Consider me a work in progress.
Photo illustration by Get Rich Slowly. Images by and Elissa Bass

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There are 10 comments to "Tips to Spend Less Money".

  1. Sheila says 26 May 2016 at 06:49

    Great article!! I loved the writing and the tips.

    • Elissa Bass says 26 May 2016 at 14:57


  2. Sam says 26 May 2016 at 08:50

    I am a spender, but we use an allowance system and that really helps me. Once the allowance money is gone you are done for those two weeks. We’ve been using the allowance system since 2007 so mostly we’ve gotten used to the system and it works for us.

    I do spend, but I prioritize and I will save some allowance money for spending later. My strategy is to stay away from stores, that works well for me. I do a lot of pretend shopping on line which satisfies my craving. I have amazon wish lists and I will spend 15 minutes on J Crew “shopping” but I don’t check out. If in two weeks, my shopping bag still holds items that I feel I really need, then I might purchase.

    We also, have a lot of ongoing savings accounts, we save for travel, we save for the house, we save for the holidays and we save for fun. That helps as well.

    • Elissa Bass says 26 May 2016 at 14:57

      Thanks for reading, Sam! I do the allowance thing too, $200 for two weeks, but when it’s gone, that’s when I either hit the ATM or grab the credit card. I lack discipline! But I’m working on it. I’m actually going to try my friend’s strategy of only allotting the first week of each month for ‘wants’ and the rest of time money only goes to ‘needs.’

  3. Beth says 27 May 2016 at 04:07

    I love that tip about discretionary spending only one week a month! I did a shopping ban for Lent and found it so freeing! There was no “do I buy this or not?” debate because the answer was always no!

    However, I found the shopping ban wasn’t sustainable so I’ve been looking at other methods to limit discretionary spending. This might work better than an allowance because it delays gratification too.

  4. Latoya @ Femme Frugality says 27 May 2016 at 05:06

    I really love the idea your friend has of free spending during the first week of the month. Seems easy and totally doable!

  5. CentSai says 31 May 2016 at 08:34

    Wow, really interesting article! Unconscious spending is easy to overlook; however, it really does add up. We really like your idea of keeping track of what you spend on paper so you have no excuse to spend unconsciously. Thanks for sharing your story and advice!

  6. Debi says 31 May 2016 at 12:53

    We’ve never had a problem with discretionary spending. We save first and have a very strict criteria for that. With the rest of the money we make sure we have enough to pay bills. The rest is up for grabs. Sometimes it gets spent and sometimes it gets put into the vacation fund as a bonus and sometimes gets set aside for a larger “want”. Have never had a problem with delayed gratification.

  7. Mrs. Picky Pincher says 01 June 2016 at 12:51

    I used to be terrible about impulse buys! My income wasn’t very high and I was looking for little ways to feel better about life, usually in the form of jewelry or chocolate. I eventually had to start using the cash envelope system to avoid impulse buys. I would leave my debit/credit cards at home. I had just enough cash to buy groceries, and that was it. I knew it was food for a week or a shirt, and that really hit it home for me.

    • Elissa Bass says 03 June 2016 at 06:23

      Leaving the cards at home is definitely a strategy! Since I wrote this I have resisted all impulses, I’m proud to say! It’s the start of a new month and I am sticking to that allowance!

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