It’s more important to be happy than to be rich

happy girl and father

This article is the final installment of a 14-part series that explored the core tenets of Get Rich Slowly.

Here’s the opening paragraph from my forthcoming book, Your Money: The Missing Manual. It’s the sum of everything I’ve learned during my five-year journey to get rich slowly:

You don’t want to be rich — you want to be happy. Many people mistakenly believe that the former leads to the latter. While it’s certainly true that money can help you achieve your goals, provide for your future, and make life more enjoyable, merely having money doesn’t guarantee happiness.

Many of us (including me) get wrapped up in the importance of money and the belief that having more money is the key to a better life. But it’s not. The key to a better life is increased happiness. For some people, that does mean more money. But according to the research Tal Ben-Shahar shares in his book Happier, most of us would be better served by:

  • Creating rituals around the things we love to do.
  • Expressing gratitude for the good things in our lives.
  • Setting meaningful goals that reflect our values and interests.
  • Playing to our strengths instead of dwelling on weaknesses.
  • Simplifying our lives — not just the Stuff, but the time.

We’re more likely to lead happy lives by putting these principles into practice than by getting another raise at work — especially if the increased income would only lead to increased spending. When we focus on monetary goals, we run the risk of becoming trapped on the “hedonic treadmill” (also known as lifestyle inflation), working harder and harder to make more and more money. This does not lead to happiness.

Related >> The Ongoing Battle With Lifestyle Inflation

Sometimes Money Can Buy Happiness

Wealth and happiness aren’t mutually exclusive, of course. According to financial writer Jonathan Clements, financial stability improves well-being in three ways:

  • If you have money, you don’t have to worry about it. By living below your means, you can obtain a degree of financial control even if you aren’t rich. Avoiding debt gives you options.
  • Money can give you the freedom to pursue your passions. What is it you want out of life? What gives you a sense of purpose? These are the sorts of things you want to pursue in retirement. Better yet, try to structure your career around something you love to do.
  • Money can buy you time with friends and family. In fact, Clements says, true wealth comes from relationships, not from dollars and cents. Social capital is worth more than financial capital.

Related >> The Value of Social Capital

Money is a tool. As with any tool, a skilled craftsman can use it to build something amazing: a meaningful life filled with family and friends. But if you’re not careful, if you don’t have a plan, the life you construct with your money can be a tenuous thing — even dangerous.

Lessons Learned

Studies show that the pursuit of money is less likely to bring personal fulfillment than focusing on self-improvement and, especially, close relationships with others. Here are a handful of lessons I’ve learned during my research into the connection between money and wealth. I didn’t come up with any of these ideas; they’re products of actual research into what makes us happy:

  • People who are materialistic tend to be less happy than those who aren’t. If your aim is to have more money and more Stuff, you’ll be less content than others whose goals are built around relationships or mental/spiritual fulfillment. (Because I’m a perma-geek, I’m always reminded of what Princess Leia says to Han Solo in Star Wars: “If money is all that you love, then that’s what you’ll receive.”)
  • Oversaving does not lead to happiness. While it’s important to save for the future (and to cope with current emergencies), research shows that oversaving can actually have a negative impact on your quality of life. If you’re meeting your goals for saving, it’s okay to spend some on the things that make you happy.
  • Experiences tend to make us happier than material things. We have different reactions to the money we spend on experiences and the money we spend on Stuff: When we spend on experiences, our perceptions are magnified (meaning we feel happier or sadder than when we spend on Stuff), and the feelings tend to linger longer. And since most of our experiences are positive, spending on activities instead of material goods generally makes us happier.
  • When we lower our expectations, our happiness increases. High expectations come when we compare ourselves to others or when we’re bombarded by advertising. We come to accept the things we see on TV as “normal,” and because we don’t have these things, we feel inadequate. Our expectations rise, and before long we’re caught up in lifestyle inflation. But if we can consciously manage our expectations — both financial and otherwise — we can increase our sense of well-being.

Really, there’s only one way to ever be satisfied with how much money you have: You must define how much is Enough. True happiness comes when you learn to be content with what you have. If you don’t take the time to figure out what Enough means to you, you’ll always be unhappy with your financial situation.

How Much is Enough?

Enough looks different to each of us. It’s not just different amounts of money, but different types of wealth. For me, Enough is having my home paid off and cash set aside to let me buy books and go out to dinner with my wife once in a while. For you, Enough may mean living in a small apartment but owning a boat and having the freedom to sail for months at a time.

To find Enough, you have to set goals. You have to look inside to find your values. It can take months or years to get clear on what makes a meaningful life for you, but after you’ve done this, you can make choices that reflect your priorities.

After all, that’s why you’re doing this. You’re not building wealth just so you can bathe in buckets of cash. You’re building wealth so you don’t have to worry about money, so you can pursue your passions, and so you can spend time with your family and friends.

Remember, my friends: True wealth isn’t about money. True wealth is about relationships, about good health, and about continued self-improvement. True wealth is about happiness. Ultimately, it’s more important to be happy than it is to be rich.

Here’s a bit more on this subject:

This is the final installment of a 14-part series that explored my financial philosophy. These are the core tenets of Get Rich Slowly. Other parts include:

Thanks, everyone, for indulging me with this. It felt good to set down my philosophy into a semi-coherent series.

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There are 72 comments to "It’s more important to be happy than to be rich".

  1. Filip Rabuzin says 28 December 2009 at 05:29

    This is wonderful. Very tight, coherent and easy to understand.

  2. Chickybeth says 28 December 2009 at 05:31

    This series was really helpful to me and I looked forward to Mondays to see the next installment. Thanks!

  3. Ken says 28 December 2009 at 05:44

    How much is enough? That is a powerful question. My wife and I need to discuss this. That spill about relationships and happiness is so true. Great thoughts!

  4. Mike Piper says 28 December 2009 at 05:54

    Have you read John Bogle’s recent Enough? If not, I highly recommend it. 🙂

  5. Ben says 28 December 2009 at 07:09

    I have heard that you are better to buy experiences than things, as far as happiness goes. Likewise, you are probably even better to buy things that create experiences such as board games.

  6. Jackie says 28 December 2009 at 07:39

    For me I think “enough” is more of a feeling than an amount of stuff or reaching a goal like having our house paid off. Although I do want to get our house paid off quickly, it’s not as though I’ll feel discontented until that happens. Feelings can be pretty hard to define though, so I cam see the value in identifying specifics that might help me feel a certain way.

  7. Sarah @ EkingOut says 28 December 2009 at 07:45

    The point about over-saving is interesting. There’s definitely a fine line between satisfactory restraint and deprivation.

  8. SMG says 28 December 2009 at 07:57

    Out of context topic, but I just saw the page for your book on Amazon, There already is a foreward / note from Kevin Kelly without you even completing the book, sounds strange – isnt it? or maybe I am missing something here 🙂

  9. Beth says 28 December 2009 at 07:57

    JD, Just wanted to say thanks for sharing all of this. I can’t wait for the book!

  10. Patrick says 28 December 2009 at 07:57

    I was watching something on “accidental fortunes” while I was wrapping Christmas presents, and the wife of a guy who found an original copy of the Declaration of Independence said, “Money doesn’t bring happiness, but it can bring peace.”

    I think that’s a fair statement. A lot of the worries we have today revolve around money, and (for better or for worse) a lot of problems can be solved by throwing enough money at them. If money isn’t a problem, you have one less problem!

  11. Suzanne says 28 December 2009 at 08:06

    Great post and great topic! A good point that its important to view money as a means that allows one to focus on our priorities rather than as an end.

  12. John Paul Aguiar says 28 December 2009 at 08:11

    Great post.. I can add that it is better to be healthy then to be rich.

    I had a kidney transplant 8 yrs ago and I have money. I can tell you the money didnt do shit for me when I was sick.

    So happiness and health over money everyday.

  13. Building Wealth says 28 December 2009 at 08:33

    It’s the WHY, stupid 🙂

    What is going to make the difference is WHY you want money. Is it to buy more “stuff” and keep up with the Jones or is it to create more and better experiences…?

    Acquiring more money beyond your basic needs is done with a purpose that is meaningful to you. In any situation you have the power of choice. So what really matters is what you do with your money, how you put it to use in a way that it creates happiness.

    Anyway, what is happiness?

    I had to sit down and figure out what would a happy life be for me. In part, like the article says, it would be a happy life if it included certain kinds of experiences, achievements and relationships. Once I sat down and wrote all those down I could clearly see how money would be an ENABLER not an end by itself.

    I want to create wealth (not be rich) so that I can use that wealth to create experiences that will lead to a happy life.

  14. Mrs. Money says 28 December 2009 at 08:49

    It’s funny- over a year ago I had a scare where the doctors thought what I had was turning into cancer. At that point I freaked out and realized how much time I had spent worrying over money and how it didn’t seem relevant.

    I think that money helps a ton with peace of mind but not necessarily with happiness!

  15. Tyler says 28 December 2009 at 08:50

    Oversaving is a demon I’m currently confronting.

    Many people outside my life are impressed by it, but those within it have struggled to cope from time to time.

    Realizing that you can’t save enough to fix any problem that could ever come your way and letting go of control a little to enjoy your life is very worthwhile no matter how hard it may be.

  16. RJ Weiss says 28 December 2009 at 09:10

    Wow – one of the better posts on personal finance I have read in a while.

    This series has been great. Thanks J.D.

  17. Adam says 28 December 2009 at 09:17

    “Simplifying our lives – not just the Stuff, but the time.”

    This times 1000.

  18. Lisa says 28 December 2009 at 09:41

    I’m totally happy. My husband & I both work from home, we get to spend all day sneaking work in between whatever our 6 kids have planned. Life is good and our happiness is from within. Now, I really do want to be rich. I don’t need to be rich to be happy, I’m happy already. But I’m not rich. And I’d like to be. So I will keep reading past the intro that doesn’t apply to me. I don’t expect wealth to bring me happiness, happiness comes in the back door. Wealth will just help me take my happiness on prettier vacations, more often, on my yacht.

  19. mayct says 28 December 2009 at 09:43

    This series was fantastic, it was well written with a ton of great info packed into it.

  20. Ami Kim says 28 December 2009 at 09:45

    Love this post, I think it may be one of the most important lessons about managing money. In the end, we don’t scrimp and save just to get money. Money is a tool, a powerful tool indeed, but ultimately, just a means to an end.

  21. Kim says 28 December 2009 at 09:50

    “Thanks, everyone, for indulging me with this. It felt good to set down my philosophy into a semi-coherent series.”

    JD, I think it is very important to revisit such “core tenets” from time to time. Not only does it strengthen your philosophical foundation, but you can also make sure that these are still working for you. As a reader of your blog (and later come to it than many) some of it is new material. Always important.

    I am so glad about your book, JD. I think it is going to be well received, and, more importantly, that it will help many, many people. I am looking forward to it, and to many more to come.

  22. Mike Crosby says 28 December 2009 at 09:51

    I thank you too for your writings.

    Here’s something I don’t know if its ever been covered. I probably have enough to live comfortably the rest of my life. But who truly knows what the future will bring.

    What has happened is that I have lost interest in growing my wealth. Does that make sense? It’s not that I’m trying to be some kind of money grubber, but now that I am financially secure, I’ve grown passive about investing.

  23. KateMTP says 28 December 2009 at 09:53

    I couldn’t agree more with you. I am not rich financially and I would love more stability, but I am very rich in the personal relationships I have with those around me.

    What a great article to post during the holiday season!

  24. Nicole says 28 December 2009 at 10:00

    @20 Mike
    We’re not there yet in terms of having enough to live comfortably forever, but we are pretty financially secure… secure enough to take an early career sabbatical. I have definitely noticed that with security I am much less likely to want to chase the best interest rate or get the best deal on anything… our investing has gotten much more passive. Our time has gotten a lot more valuable.

  25. Dustin | Engaged Marriage says 28 December 2009 at 10:18

    I totally agree that “social capital” trumps money every time. It is also true, however, that having “enough” money can really help create an environment where our relationships can thrive.

    I also really enjoyed the book “Enough” by John Bogle. It had more of a business focus, but the underlying theme is consistent with your own.

  26. LeanLifeCoach says 28 December 2009 at 10:24

    Money does not buy happiness, I see more people on the streets that are smiling than I see in suits smiling.

    But money is necessary and money does buy options. The option not to live on the streets, the option not to end up in a government subsidized retirement home.

    “Many of us (including me) get wrapped up in the belief that having more money is the key to a better life. But it’s not. The key to a better life is increased happiness.”

    With all due respect, I think you are, in part, wrong J.D. Money, as we agree, does not buy happiness, but it absolutely can buy a better life.

    You make the point well: “the pursuit of money is less likely to bring personal fulfillment than focusing on self-improvement”

    If you are chasing money for money’s sake, you are desstined to be left unfulfilled. But if you are using your growing wealth to improve your quality of life and provide you the option of choice than isn’t the pursuit of money worth the effort?

  27. Dale Callahan says 28 December 2009 at 10:31

    Amen. Great series on getting down to basics. So often I see people who are caught in indecision based on things being too complicated to follow.

    In particular I love how you ended this – rich is not the key. In fact, rich is not even a goal – since we can always be richer.

    But then again – is happy a goal? I think we have to be content where we are, and working to make it better – that makes us happy!

  28. LatteLaura says 28 December 2009 at 10:40

    Great points in this article and a good reminder. Like your wife, I’m a fan of NPR. Yesterday I heard a program about happiness that you might be interested in. Perhaps you heard it?

    It’s here:

  29. brooklyn money says 28 December 2009 at 11:10

    I was reminded of this when watching A Christmas Carol the other day on TV. Dickens had it right, as always.

  30. Foxie || CarsxGirl says 28 December 2009 at 11:17

    “Money can give you the freedom to pursue your passions. What is it you want out of life? What gives you a sense of purpose? These are the sorts of things you want to pursue in retirement. Better yet, try to structure your career around something you love to do.”

    This is the absolute key for me, here. I can definitely live a life where I’m just “well-off,” pretty much financially independent but not exactly “wealthy,” yet maintain a tiny fleet of nice cars, including a Ferrari and probably a couple Porsches. To some, I may look rich, but the cars are definitely more affordable than first glance and I’m quite certain I’ll be making numerous sacrifices along the way to get them.

  31. J Brown says 28 December 2009 at 11:18

    I know that money does help, but it is not everything. I am slowly realizing at 32 that time, health and money should be the priority. Enough is difficult to achieve, but not impossible. I know I have had Enough of buy/buy/buy now, debt, and stuff. My wife and I are working on what we need vs want, this is helping us.

  32. The Broken Penny says 28 December 2009 at 11:27

    Well written post. The more time I spend researching personal finance, the more obvious it becomes that money is as you say just a tool. Sometimes people chase money, rather than leveraging it to accomplish their goals. One of my favorite quotes is by Irish Novelist Jonathan Swift “A wise man should have money in his head, but not in his heart.” Learn to use money correctly and it can help gain happiness, use it incorrectly and it will only buy you frustration and loneliness.

  33. Phil says 28 December 2009 at 11:35

    Excellent job JD. You are an exceptional motivational writer and you have especially helped me over the past year since I discovered your blog. Please keep up the great work and I look forward to reading your book.

  34. Cashing says 28 December 2009 at 11:38

    Last night I spoke with one of my friends about wealth. He told me that he wants to be rich so that he can serve others, but he doesn’t have to be rich to serve others. To serve and help others really comes with being a good steward of the things your blessed with, such as health, time, talents, or money. You don’t have to have money to serve others.

  35. John DeFlumeri Jr says 28 December 2009 at 11:42

    Everybody I ever talked to who needed money real bad, would rather be rich and buy False Happiness!

    John DeFlumeri Jr

  36. Tyler Karaszewski says 28 December 2009 at 11:42

    “I can definitely live a life where I’m just well-off … financially independent … maintain a tiny fleet of nice cars, including a Ferrari and probably a couple Porsches.”

    We all admire your sacrifice, really.

    Like everyone else has said, money is nice, it’s useful, but it’s not everything. I make more money than average, and that’s still not going to stop me from asking for raises and promotions periodically, I appreciate what I can do with the money as much as the next guy.

    But really, I’d forgo much of that to keep the other things in my life that matter to me just as much, if not more. Every morning I get to wake up without an alarm clock. I can make breakfast for my wife and I, and we can eat at our leisure before I go to work. I can take time off to visit family or see the world. Right now I’m waiting for the tide to drop so I can go surfing this afternoon. I can go out for bike rides in the afternoon when the weather’s nice.

    Sure, there are some physical things I want, I’d like to own my own house, and new cars are always a temptation, lately I’ve wanted to get a fancy camera, but can’t really justify it. But none of those things are more important to me than waking up with my wife or scheduling my work around the tides and the waves.

    I can look back years, even decades, and see specific pictures in my mind. I can remember the first night I went out with my wife. I can remember the time I rolled my truck into a ditch. I can remember the first wave I caught. I can remember building the engine for my Mustang. Plenty of these things required money to accomplish, but none of the memories are of the money, or really even of the things. I was more proud of the fact that I built an engine with my bare hands and a couple friends than I was of having a 400hp engine, really. That’s what I’ll look back on and smile about.

  37. Dirk B says 28 December 2009 at 11:49

    I find happiness in moderate minimalism (guess I’m lucky in that way). Learned many years ago that the more stuff you own, the more that stuff owns you…

    ‘Experiences’ don’t take up much space!

    Alas, others may be uncomfortable with my sparse collection of ‘things’. LOL

  38. Brenda says 28 December 2009 at 12:00

    @ #26 LeanLifeCoach – Thank you for stating that. Money may not buy happiness for some people, but the lack of money sure buys a lot of misery for most.

  39. Royce says 28 December 2009 at 12:11

    This, like all your previous installments, was fantastic. You may have buried the lead, however – it seems to me that this is the most important and fundamental of your 14 core tenets. In fact, it is the basis around which a philosophy of saving and wealth should be built. Without an understanding of why we do all this, the entire purpose is probably lost, right?

  40. Sam says 28 December 2009 at 12:12

    Money is a just a tool, but it is an important tool for happiness. Money can provide security, health care, shelter, food, and when you have enough money, the extra can be used for fun, travel, vacations, really yummy food and wine, charitable giving to help others (which brings happiness), helping others in ones family/friends. Money can also buy things, gifts for others, gifts for oneself, things that one doesn’t need but one enjoys. And money in the bank provides an extra level of peace.

  41. Golfing_Girl says 28 December 2009 at 12:27

    I would say that ignorance, is indeed, bliss. I just don’t follow high fashion, know who makes what purse, or what the “in” car is. And I’m happy I don’t. If I don’t know why it’s supposed to be so great, I certainly don’t need, want, or crave it.

    My happiness has certainly increased over the past several years as we’ve eliminated debt and settled into a frugal and simple lifestyle–one that’s allowed me the decision to stay home after baby #2 arrives. To me, choices make happiness!

  42. FinanceDad says 28 December 2009 at 12:50

    Money definitely doesn’t equate to happiness, but being financially free can certainly make easier to be happy.

  43. Tanner says 28 December 2009 at 13:01

    Psychology Today just recently released a few articles on Happiness and Money…You can check them out here:


  44. David/Yourfinances101 says 28 December 2009 at 13:03

    How true it is–plus, if you foucs more on being happy–you’re more likely to end up rich.

    Great post

  45. SMG says 28 December 2009 at 13:55

    This post / tenet is in direct contrast with the name of this BLOG (despite saying that “It’s More Important to Be Happy Than to Be Rich”, you still are here to “Get Rich Slowly”)


  46. Orontes says 28 December 2009 at 14:25

    I have really enjoyed the 14 part series. Can’t wait to be able to pre-order your book. You’ve been a real inspiration.

  47. chacha1 says 28 December 2009 at 14:42

    @Tyler K (#36), that is the best comment of yours I’ve ever read. (Aside from busting Foxie’s chops about her car lust!)

    Regarding the original post, J.D. has put it very nicely as usual. I would like to point out that the title is:
    “it’s more important to be happy than to be rich.” The title is not:
    “it’s not important to be rich”
    or even
    “it’s not important to be rich as long as you’re happy.”

    So for those readers who are seeing this as
    “you should concentrate on being happy, not on being rich,”
    maybe you could try instead to look at it as
    “don’t try to be rich at the expense of being happy.”

    A funny thing I’ve noticed is that many people, when asked what constitutes “happy,” will have similar answers; but no one has the same definition of “rich.”

  48. Little House says 28 December 2009 at 15:39

    What a great post. I think back to my days when I was worry free, just after college. I was poor, but able to pay all of my bills because I lived WAY below my means. The key for me was that I didn’t have any debt hounding me, so I could focus on more important things. I’m just now getting back to that feeling, having paid off most of my debt and now have a small savings account started. That feeling of freedom isn’t associated with money, to me it’s more associated with not owing any money!

  49. Kent Thune says 28 December 2009 at 16:03

    J.D: You have evolved into a financial philosopher! Good for you!

    “I do nothing but go about persuading you all, old and young alike, not to take thought for your persons or your properties, but and chiefly to care about the greatest improvement of the soul. I tell you that virtue is not given by money, but that from virtue comes money and every other good of man, public as well as private. This is my teaching, and if this is the doctrine which corrupts the youth, I am a mischievous person.” ~ Socrates

  50. Sue says 28 December 2009 at 16:11

    Love this article! Of the 5 things that Tal Ben-Shahar recommends, I do 3 of them already. So, I’m more than halfway there! I express gratitude, set meaningful goals, and have already simplified my life. I have a glass 3/5ths full!

    I do have to say though that once having lowered your expectations and simplified your life, in order to enjoy social capital, you need to find like-minded friends. Because for those folks for whom appearances are of paramount importance, your modest home or lifestyle may not be de rigueur.

  51. Mike says 28 December 2009 at 16:50

    I believe it will be a very very long time until I’m even close to being rich so I guess I just have to be happy with being happy.

  52. Chris says 28 December 2009 at 17:01

    This post is brilliant, JD. Thank you so very much for this and the entire series. The reason I keep coming back to this site is because it isn’t just about money and finances but it’s about psychology and philosophy as well.

    This post really gets to the bottom of everything in life, not just personal finance – happiness and experiences. I am very guilty of oversaving and I am still trying to balance my money a bit more and I always find your posts to be timely and relevant.


  53. Tony V says 28 December 2009 at 17:44

    I think this post just changed my life.

  54. April B says 28 December 2009 at 18:43

    I really enjoyed reading this post! It is true that money can buy fun, which in turn can bring happiness. however, money does not buy happiness. I just finished reading “How to Get Out of Debt, Stay Out of Debt and Live Prosperously” by Jerrold Mundis. He touches on this topic a lot as well. I will have to read “Enough” by John Bogle next!

  55. Wifeish says 28 December 2009 at 18:51

    My husband recently apologized for not “providing” for me. He is a full time grad student and school is his work. I told him he provided everything for me. Love, support, laughter, and all around happiness. We agreed that money does not buy happiness, just look at Micheal Jackson or Anna Nicole Smith. Both rich, both miserable.

  56. MNWBlogger says 28 December 2009 at 19:49

    Thanks for taking the time to write this post. You really covered the key points that I try to live by regarding money and living.

  57. Troy says 28 December 2009 at 19:59

    The key to happiness is simplicity with purpose.

    Money is not complicated. It is plus and minus.

    People make it complicated. Usually for their own benefit in helping you un-complicate it.

    Live your life simply. That does not mean boring. but simply. With purpose.

    Don’t dismiss your future, but don’t sacrifice your present for it either. Don’t automate your life away either.

    Pay attention. To your finances. Your expenses and assets. Your debts. Your priorities. Your experiences. And to your life.

    Live your life slowly.

  58. George says 28 December 2009 at 20:12

    You raise some great points, and I agree. Money is a means, not an end. People who think about money as an end, through endless saving or work, let the rest of their lives atrophy. It’s important to remember what we will do with the money, once we get it. It could be family, travel, giving, whatever. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it is fulfilling and helps us and others.

  59. Tomas Stonkus says 28 December 2009 at 20:51

    Hey JD:

    This has to be the most important thing that everybody misses: lifestyle inflation. Just because you have more money does not mean that you have to spend more money.

    Funny thing. I come to realize that financial wealth has a lot to do with personal development and knowing what you want.

    Most people don’t know what they want in life. They do not know what they want to accomplish or what their goals are. Lacking that information, many make poor financial decisions by simply doing what everybody else is doing.

    Essentially, being wealthy has less to do with money but more to do with awareness of yourself. If you want to start on a financial journey, you first have to start on self-exploration journey.

    Money is a side effect of your life, money is not the cause. Life is ironic, but if we focus on money in our life then we will remain poor, but if we focus on ourselves and others our life will be abundant and fulfilling.


  60. Pinny Cohen says 28 December 2009 at 23:17

    “Money can give you the freedom to pursue your passions” – I think that is one of the most valuable advantages out there. Since we tend to be most successful when we pursue passions, it also follows that the money allowing us to pursue passions in fact creates more money (creating a cycle).

  61. Rob says 29 December 2009 at 06:41

    It’s More Important to Be Happy Than to Be Rich… who ever said we have to choose? Richness and Happiness are two separate things. You can be happy and rich as well as unhappy and poor. (although I feel a lot worse when I am unhappy and poor compared to unhappy and rich)


  62. Andrea says 29 December 2009 at 07:40

    Almost 30 years ago, I took a leave of absence(and of course, I realize how lucky I was to have a job I could leave and return to- that doesn’t happen now usually)to spend 4 months traveling in Europe and Asia. I think that trip contributed a great deal to the person I am. many people at that time could not believe I would give up 4 months of salary plus spend the $4000 or so the trip cost(yes, in those days $4000 could take you around the world- sleeping and eating mostly decently in Asia- and my 2 weeks in England, Paris, Florence, Rome- but I had friends in England and Rome). That experience far outweighed the money or whatever my co-workers and some friends thought at the time.

    I still worry about money even though I have had a good career, a paid off mortgage, college tuitions paid and savings- and decent health insurance that will always be with me(unless the Fed. govt dissolves and then we are all screwed). I am not acquisitive but worry about my son who has a disability and will likely never be able to fully support himself. I am working on getting beyond the worry though.

  63. Marie says 29 December 2009 at 10:17

    I’ve always thought this was a misleading argument.

    The problem is that the type of person who is driven and ends up with a ton of money is also the type of person who can never sit back and relax. I’m not going to work 80-hour weeks and kill myself to become rich, but if the money magically appeared, you can bet I’d be happier.

    It’s also in how you use money habitually. Someone who sees money as a way to support a lifestyle that involves more time with family and friends is probably going to be happier than someone who just sees money as a way to acquire the latest doo-dad.

  64. Mark Nolan says 29 December 2009 at 17:16

    Thanks for the thoughtful article. I especially liked your words about true wealth: “True wealth isn’t about money. True wealth is about relationships, about good health, and about continued self-improvement. True wealth is about happiness.”

    I have met many people who had money but their health failed and no amount of money could save them. Health is wealth. Many other people have money but their relationships are a disaster. They are not happy in their lives.

    Money is great, as a tool. But having a balance in life is really important.

    You are so right… True wealth is about happiness.


    Mark Nolan

  65. FranticWoman says 30 December 2009 at 08:49

    Nice to see this topic covered FINALLY with all the PF stuff out there. I’ve been saying that for years and years – and it is partly why I am not more successful (IMO). My goal has always been to be HAPPY – not uber-successful career wise or monetarily. (I wouldn’t mind oodles of cash; I just know it won’t make me happy so I do not have to drive to chase it and consume it).

    Unfortunately, this attitude also got me into trouble in my dumb underpaid youth. Money? Why worry about that? I’m having fun right now!

  66. Derek says 31 December 2009 at 10:54

    I wholeheartedly agree. Every year my New Year’s Resolution is always the same: Be Happy. I rather not make some arbitrary goal for the sake of doing so. It seems simple, but happiness can go a long way.

  67. CindyS says 05 January 2010 at 06:01

    Conversely, it’s easier to be rich when you are happy. If you are happy with what you have, it is much easier to save money. I have found that when I spend more time being grateful for what I do have, I am happier.

  68. Lili Jacobson says 31 January 2010 at 20:46

    Easy for you to say- you aren’t divorced from a deadbeat who ran up your credit cards, spent every penny you had, then divorced you once you were completely broke.

    I have never been materialistic, but because of this jerk, I’m bankrupt and have nothing to show for it at age 46. He even managed to spend our retirement fund.

    I’m not materialistic, but right now I’m feeling a bit cheated and frantic. I’m much too old to have to start over from scratch.

  69. LM@Wealth Steps says 01 February 2010 at 13:10


    Derek, I am curious if your goal is to be happy, at the end of the year how will you know if you have achieved it?

  70. Derek says 01 February 2010 at 14:52

    @LM @ Wealth Steps

    A very good question. Though it is my resolution, I have never thought of it as a goal. It is more like a guide. When it comes to important decisions I take an utilitarian approach of the sort. I look at the intrinsic benefits compared to consequences.

    Will I be happier or as happy if I do X or Y? It may seem a bit simple, but there is more to it. I include my personal morality into the equation, as it one of the most important things to me.

    If X or Y involved me making a concession of personal morals, it wouldn’t result in me being happy.

    So rather than making an arbitrary goal with the hopes of becoming happy (losing weight, making more money, etc.), I just seek to be happy. While I might think making $10,000 on the side will make me happy, I try to take in all the factors. Is it worth the extra stress and time away from my family and loved ones?

    So in short, I don’t have a tangible way of measuring it. But I guess that kind of make sense since happiness isn’t something that is tangibly measurable.

    I hope all that made sense, and sorry for going off on a tangent, lol.

  71. Jimmy says 19 March 2012 at 22:05

    What raises at work? I haven’t gotten a raise in years.

    In all honesty, I’d much rather have *the money* and spend the rest of my life as a full time student, but eating at good restaurants, than a wage slave for corporate America.

  72. rocio says 08 May 2015 at 15:59

    So sad people measure people success by how much money they do. I measure success in life by happiness with a different tool. And it is doing what you love to do.

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